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Recent twts from justamoment@twtxt.net
In-reply-to » Why is Go so popular? I haven't understood the appeal of Go, and I seek to change my mind. (I mean the programming language, not the board game.)

@prologic@twtxt.net I’m probably on my way to learn it too, for API and the like it looks really good, it’s a bit verbose in respect of python with typing but I got used to that kind of syntax with gdscript.

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In-reply-to » I ordered a 3D-Printer. I have things on my mind that I want to print, but I fear, this is another hobby I have to invest a lot of time into to learn it.

@carsten@yarn.zn80.net I have a friend who brought one too.

He printer basically anything, from phone cases to flyable planes to toys.

He managed to have fun by just downloading stuff online.

If you know how you should start making things in blender or at least with something simpler like SketchUp.

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In-reply-to » Web, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and web3 are 'silly' names for the most used and trendy technologies.

@eaplmx@twtxt.net please don’t remind me of cursed numbers…

I once worked on an AutoCAD project of a local stadium like building for a Chinese client and they asked to remove the bad luck numbers on the seats and I had to remove and shift them for 6000 seats by hand. 🙃

Fun fact: the numbers were only visible in the project files, no number would’ve been printed anywhere.

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In-reply-to » @markwylde No, it doesn't have to be this way, but it is (almost) always this way. When a programming language makes it too easy to manage dependencies, you inevitably get microdependencies. It doesn't help that many people learn JavaScript or Python as their first language.

@eaplmx@twtxt.net my view on this is that I tend to recreate the wheel everytime for a simple reason: it get better everytime I make it.

When copying something, which is ok for me too, you’re relying on the thought you had at the time, while currently they could be different and you could get around a problem quite differently.

For me reusability is about internal code, not with libraries.

If I need to share code with my project using a library then that library is made with my own hands and code.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I'm relying on vanilla JavaScript most of the time (even when using frameworks) to not have too much dependencies and lately I found that the type="module" works quite well for most of my needs so I'm dropping almost everything, instead of nom and other i rely on skypack for the libraries.

@prologic@twtxt.net those are tools that should lessen your burden of the dependencies hell.

Personally I work only with skypack. The rest is for cases where you work with react and the like giving a better experience.

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In-reply-to » The problem isn't with NodeJS or NPM, it's the developers that are so willing to use horrible frameworks/libraries/tooling that is just simply not needed. NodeJS gives you so much out of the box, and NPM is simply a place to store your packages. With Deno, you won't even need a package manager as it takes a step closer to go modules approach.

@prologic@twtxt.net and with some people who decide to break them to destroy thousand of projects in a couple minutes…

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In-reply-to » Oh farrrrk me! 🤦‍♂️ React Apps, NodeJS c'mon! 🤦‍♂️ How does anyone do this shit?! 🤯

@prologic@twtxt.net I’m relying on vanilla JavaScript most of the time (even when using frameworks) to not have too much dependencies and lately I found that the type="module" works quite well for most of my needs so I’m dropping almost everything, instead of nom and other i rely on skypack for the libraries.

If you need something bigger but still lighter try snowpack, it uses CDN until you build by optimizing the disk space too.

If anything look bleak try pnpm for a more standard experience of the tooling.

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In-reply-to » I have a bot where you can register your exercise routines. So now I have a few months of data, and I'd like to do something with it.

@eaplmx@twtxt.net Oh, I see.

Then maybe something like personal objectives?

Also, a “ghost run” of last week’s you would be cool, to keep help keeping the pacing pushing forward constantly.

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In-reply-to » We went on a rainy afternoon hike. Contrary to common belief, this is actually pretty nice. It didn't rain too hard, so hiking boots, rain trousers and rain jacket with integrated hood is all that's needed. Just the pattering of the rain on the hood makes for a harder conversation, but it's relatively quiet everywhere else. Once overcome, I always enjoy these rainy days outside a lot. Well, if it doesn't pour down too crazy. In the end the rain even stopped and there was even a decent red sunset, that I missed to capture on film, though.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I can confirm, a light rain create a unique atmosphere that’s worth trying when going for a walk.

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In-reply-to » @axodys Try bumping up the font size, I too work on the PC all day and my font is almost gigantic so I can write code without staining my eyes, except when on Gmail damn micro fonts...

@axodys@octobloc.xyz I too have glasses that don’t match my short-sightedness because I work on a PC everyday, the only issue is reading texts at a distance, everything is blurry.

I’m probably getting an eye surgery within a year to fix it permanently. ✌️

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In-reply-to » Bleh, I hate the Javascript/NodeJS/npm ecosystem so much 🤦‍♂️ Just trying to modify a simple CICD Github Actions workflow and since its written in Javascript and uses god knows what the hell dependencies, it wants to pull in half the fucking NPM world 🤦‍♂️

@prologic@twtxt.net how about me having a full disk space warningb on my 1TB hard drive for only 23 projects filled with node_modules only

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In-reply-to » New glasses have arrived and they're an improvement for general distance, but maybe not computer screen reading distance (which I need way more of the time). We'll see how they settle in.

@axodys@octobloc.xyz Try bumping up the font size, I too work on the PC all day and my font is almost gigantic so I can write code without staining my eyes, except when on Gmail damn micro fonts…

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In-reply-to » How to stop teams from opening the app from the browser ? - Microsoft Community <-- This is insane, Any MS Teams users around? 🤔 How the hell do I disable this !@#$!23 🤬 automatic open in desktop app behaviour?! 🤦‍♂️

@carsten@yarn.zn80.net I tried duckduckgo on Android and was pleasantly surprised but it’s still somewhat immature as a daily driven browser for me, especially the tabs navigation, I even filed a feedback report about it from the settings in hope it gets better.

Sadly there no Linux version right now, once it’s out I’ll definitely try it out.

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In-reply-to » @lyse why do you avoid to bring people here?

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I too avoid bringing in people, the one I know would compare everything to Twitter or Facebook and ask me directly to have this and that.

From what I follow most is tech related and I’ll have to deal with the aftermath of anyone I know getting interested in something they can’t handle by themselves… 🫣

Also, 99.999% of all the people I know can’t speak or even recognize the words here as English. 🙃

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