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Recent twts from justamoment@twtxt.net
In-reply-to » https://github.com/driusan/bug <-- cool way to handle/manage project issues/bugs

@prologic@twtxt.net “Git.social” then! 😎

Git “pods” with “repos”, “issue” and “review” feeds.

Every changes on a repo is notified in a repos feed.

Each issue or review is a file in a folder with an hash and people can reply on the conversation, or at least the “notification” of it in their feed.

A nice approach I saw in Trello, you can email a card ID and it get embedded in the card, it can be done here too on the file, as to not have everything spread on hundreds of feeds.

Working like this you can integrate twtxt but not rely on it entirely, letting users use it without it, I’d see this as generic integration though, so other can add more “bridges” (like in git-bug) to their liking.

How is it?

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net exactly, exposed as a struct and functions (for actions) in a dedicated layer, then the API would have GET from structs and POST for functions, on server you render html the same way, structs in templates and POST for actions.

A way to have them seamlessly would be to handle the same page with content-type but maybe it’s an overkill for this kind of project.

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In-reply-to » https://github.com/driusan/bug <-- cool way to handle/manage project issues/bugs

@prologic@twtxt.net I see, pretty cool.

But personally I prefer the file based approach though, you have a friendly folder that lets you open anyway you want without fiddling the repo, you can use a separate repo if you don’t like it in the source and everything is tracked in the same way without having to manual dig in them if you don’t want to use a given tool.

This is one that could be a better solution if you like that approach too: https://github.com/dspinellis/git-issue

Being file based also let you build a “protocol” on it that can be detached from the repo in itself and let you manage it in a similar fashion of twtxt.

What do you think?

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net ok, for interface what do you mean exactly? Are you talking about editing the repo?

About the web interface, I’d suggest to use REST API as the main interface regardless of where it’s built, so you can use them both on client and server side with the same data structure and available actions.

For the client side of any external scripting or custom web clients you have pure data to work with, if on the server side you have the same structs to build the HTML.

This helps us avoid having to work on both in parallel like with Yarn.social and leaving one side behind the other.

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net What are the functionality we need?

I can see those:

  • hosting
  • bug tracking
  • code reviews
  • forking (i guess?)
  • SSH
  • push / pull (it’s read only now, right?)

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In-reply-to » @prologic It became interesting on that issue In GitHub!

@prologic@twtxt.net I checked the GitHub discussion, it became a request to join forces.

Do you plan on having them join?

Also for the name, how about:

  • “progit” or “prologit” (prologic official hard fork)
  • “git-stance” (git instance)
  • “GitTree” (Gitea inspired, maybe to related)
  • “Gitomata” (git automata)
  • “Git.Source”
  • “Forgor” (forgit is taken so I forgor) 🤣
  • “SweetGit” (as salty chat)
  • “Pepper Git” (other ingredients) 😉
  • “GitHeart” (core of git with a GitHub sounding name)
  • “GitTaka” (With music in mind)

Ok, enough fun… Hope this helps sprout some ideas from others if nothing is to your taste.

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In-reply-to » Added horizontal scroll for the filters now too: Media

@darch@neotxt.dk I actually like the horizontal scrolling a lot.

On a phone it’s intuitive, but it’s hell on desktop, I’d personally make them wrap on larger screens.

The only issue I can point out is the height is the scrollable area, just adding a bit of space above and below make a great difference for a better “fat-finger” design.

@prologic@twtxt.net what you want for filters is a really great idea, I thought about it too for some of my projects at work, It allow you to support advanced filters and then implement them after as buttons or similar all while keeping a plain texts format, they can also be used as custom filters potentially too.

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In-reply-to » Got a friend asking me for help with their final C programming exams which they failed 8 times (yes, 8 🤷).

@eaplmx@twtxt.net When I started learning to play the guitar at school I got so hooked I ended up being able to play flamenco songs in around a month since starting, meanwhile all my classmates couldn’t do even the basics chords, I guess my best ability is to learn and experiment in a obsessive matter by myself until I get it right.

But I need to avoid at all cost to push this approach onto others as often they can’t keep up with my pacing.

As a solution I found that drawing is the best way to explain things to me, since i get slowed down by my hands focusing on the current sketches and it also help them understand what’s happening in code or other structures visually.

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net But if we edit those on a remote repo then we can use it as a public description and when cloned you don’t need to care for it, right?

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net so a web UI is the only way (or a cli version that act similarly)?

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net maybe keeping the management in git and using emails just for notification could be better?

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In-reply-to » prologic/legit: Fork of https://github.com/icyphox/legit (may hard fork, we'll see) - legit - Mills -- I forked something fairly decent as a "starting point" (which works™), and now I've been hacking away at it. I'm not sure yet how far I'll go, but its fun anyway. 😅 Who knows, maybe this will become the thing I talked about 🤷‍♂️ #git #hosting #server #thingy

@prologic@twtxt.net I knew it!

@ocdtrekkie@twtxt.net let’s keep watching him!

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net Oh, cool and the feed is in the repo so you can host it together?

Things like git-notes might work with it?

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In-reply-to » Learn to use email with git! Patch Workflows - Ry’s Git Tutorial - RyPress -- Another good blog post on working with Git patches via Email as well as applying them. -- The key point (I think) is that you need to grab the entire contents of email email in order in order to pipe the contents into git am - -- Hmmm 🤔 -- I think we can do better than this...

@prologic@twtxt.net This patch workflow looks complicated for no reason to me, it also leave everything to a maintainer to handle privately before touching the public repo.

Maybe a branch based approach like the one used in GitHub/Lab/tea is simpler but still doable? Maybe as part for legit fork?

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In-reply-to » prologic/legit: Fork of https://github.com/icyphox/legit (may hard fork, we'll see) - legit - Mills -- I forked something fairly decent as a "starting point" (which works™), and now I've been hacking away at it. I'm not sure yet how far I'll go, but its fun anyway. 😅 Who knows, maybe this will become the thing I talked about 🤷‍♂️ #git #hosting #server #thingy

@ocdtrekkie@twtxt.net By that time he’ll be forking the language too… 😎

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In-reply-to » prologic/legit: Fork of https://github.com/icyphox/legit (may hard fork, we'll see) - legit - Mills -- I forked something fairly decent as a "starting point" (which works™), and now I've been hacking away at it. I'm not sure yet how far I'll go, but its fun anyway. 😅 Who knows, maybe this will become the thing I talked about 🤷‍♂️ #git #hosting #server #thingy

@ocdtrekkie@twtxt.net Wait a bit more and he’ll make an open source spacecraft! 😉🚀🛰️

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In-reply-to » @prologic It became interesting on that issue In GitHub!

@prologic@twtxt.net I’m not sure, we can try but I’m more of a terminal person when handling my projects, I end up neglecting the web UI pretty fast, what do you recommend?

Also a quick look around got me on this site, could it be what you’re aiming for? (In scope at least)

As for the name of the project if it get to a good point it could become a complete solution for the basic needs of git dev (if I understood the hard-fork need).

It’ll be like a swiss army knife, so, with that thinking in mind:


In honor of MacGyver, thanks to this meme.


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In-reply-to » Just updated yesterday my homebrew "Vector Pass", it's a PWA that works offline and don't store anything on any server, planning to make a cli version to use via rofi on my PC.

@prologic@twtxt.net It’s a deterministic password manager that rely on hashes to generate the passwords, you put a user and password (you can use it freely, no data is sent to any servers) and it’s used as a key to generate the passwords.

I also made it to be extensible with modules-like field types.

You can generate passwords, PINs and TOTPs.

And the coolest one is the ability to store arbitrary data using XOR operations on the content to keep them safe, not usually in these kind of tools.

It has the usual downsides of a deterministic password generator but I find it more secure than a cloud provider and simpler to use than fiddling with GPG.

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In-reply-to » An interesting read about testing code using nullable states instead of mocks.

@prologic@twtxt.net I did something similar with a external module for my work project (in python), extending a class that does nothing and implementing what you need for each “extension”.

Basically I’m relying on a Polymorphic class to do it.

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In-reply-to » prologic/legit: Fork of https://github.com/icyphox/legit (may hard fork, we'll see) - legit - Mills -- I forked something fairly decent as a "starting point" (which works™), and now I've been hacking away at it. I'm not sure yet how far I'll go, but its fun anyway. 😅 Who knows, maybe this will become the thing I talked about 🤷‍♂️ #git #hosting #server #thingy

@prologic@twtxt.net It became interesting on that issue In GitHub!

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In-reply-to » prologic/legit: Fork of https://github.com/icyphox/legit (may hard fork, we'll see) - legit - Mills -- I forked something fairly decent as a "starting point" (which works™), and now I've been hacking away at it. I'm not sure yet how far I'll go, but its fun anyway. 😅 Who knows, maybe this will become the thing I talked about 🤷‍♂️ #git #hosting #server #thingy

@prologic@twtxt.net Looks really simple and elegant from the author’s link on GitHub!

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In-reply-to » I made a mockup for how #Lists could work: http://darch.dk/yarn/lists-mockup-01.html Media

@prologic@twtxt.net So it’s just a client filter in this case, I understand.

What I thought was maybe something to share with others but you’re right about not being needed, a friend to me could a simple news feed to others.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Didn’t noticed the registry format, I thought it was a custom tool for the one I saw online.

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In-reply-to » Today at lunch break I made a small scene in 3D to help my colleague to understand how 3D worked in pure CSS for a personal project, here's the link.

Thanks you all!

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Yes, they are units related to the viewport:

  • vh Height
  • vw Width
  • vmin Shortest side
  • vmax Longest side

Used together with font-size allows me to use em units as a percentage that scale dynamically on any screen, keeping proportion on everything (like the border-radius of the rings).

Using viewport units is simple with good support and let me avoid using less supported rules like aspect-ratio or hacks like the padding-bottom trick (both to make squares or rectangles without a specific size).

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In-reply-to » Got a friend asking me for help with their final C programming exams which they failed 8 times (yes, 8 🤷).

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org More than the approach itself I mainly share my own struggles and my experiments on how to fix them.

I have a routine of “breaking the status quo” for my workflow just for get smarter and better, and eventually share them with others.

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