Why not just use registry? It can be personal or hosted by someone like registry.twtxt.org. Just need to be adapt to support hashes
TIL that RFC means Request For Comments
Should i follow david feed instead of bender and quark?
Noo, please mercy him
Why not? I’m agree about hyperdrive and holepunch but do know how nostr related. Also gateway can be more that one without having nostr discovery problem
I\’m learning #Django at paid offline course. My diplom project: https://git.0ut0f.space/doesnm/cms (frontend not included in repo but exists on my usb drive because it’s too worse)
rewrite in Go and quickly implemented a stack widget for tview. The builtin Pages is similar but way too complicated for my use case. I would have to specify a mandatory name and some additional options for each page. Also, it allows me to randomly jump around between pages using names, but only gives me direct access the first, however, not the last page. Weird. I don't wanna remember names. All I really need is a classic stack. You open a new fullscreen dialog and maybe another one on top of that. Closing the upper most brings you back to the previous one and so on.
Thinking about trying tt. If it really usable i will abandon twtxtdon (service to read twtxt feeds from mastodon client), which currently has only authorization implemented
Did you want to mine Chia? Or Twtxt Coin? 😂
General is “peoples”. Our community want replies and reactions minimum. Currently used Telegram+Matrix (most on Telegram and me from bridge)
I’m hosted on cellphone with tunnel. It’s really lightweight. But too few features
Skill Issues
of course, but that's going away next as soon as I get my php-fpm shi_ together.
You can use php-fpm via php_fastcgi in #Caddy
Threema are paid afaik. Did you want to buy it for all family?
Ok, it’s really spam account: https://twtxt.net/twt/xu3u7zq . Damn spammers. Can you delete this?
-Dateien drin.
Besonders stolz bin ich auf die Zeitangabe der Beiträge, mit Singular-Plural-Unterscheidung in unterschiedlichen Sprachen. Dafür gibt es extra einen eigenen Fluid-ViewHelper zur Übersetzungsschnittstelle.
Fortsetzung folgt ...
Have freezes after i try scrolling on mobile: https://doesnm.cc/screen-20250125-093748.mp4
Is it spam bot or just innocent citizen? But nickname looks suspious
Yarnd can store password-protected keys without risk because pod owner don’t have password, but looks like i/someone should enter password for every message sent or receive? Upd: oh, it’s about ssh? i have key without password lol
Interesting where Goryon saves current logged account? Because if i kill app it will logout me :(. Save i noticed with IndiePass but it logout me in random moment (or maybe same after killed)
Again: if you can decrypt - it’s for you
Can you share summary after meeting?
It’s ok for most encrypted protocols (In salty you can fetch other messages but can’t decrypt). Btw i think recipient can be removed so if someone seen message they tried to decypt, if can’t - its not message to you
Yes, it’s a mini python cgi script which implements IndieAuth
Only IA from yarn are valid? Can i use https://doesnm.p.psf.lt/auth.py ?
My webmention script are the same as Timeline
I’m sitting in official cabal.club with nicknames doesnm and doesnm-seed from vps because can’t install cli in Termux
curl: (3) URL rejected: Malformed input to a URL function. Writing sender in bash was BAD idea
@sorenpeter@darch.dk Yes it works, thx: https://doesnm.cc/mentions.txt . I’m deleted html tags because my client do not support html rendering
: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck It points out common errors and gives some suggestions on how to improve the code. Some details in shell scripting are very tricky to get right at first. Even after decades of shell programming, I run into "corner cases" every now and then.
Checked my posthook… looks like my bash skills at zero: https://doesnm.cc/huh.txt
Finally my (web/txt)mention sender ready. Receiver i’m borrow from sorenpeter’s timeline
Test reply for webmention tester!
Need to summary all of these logic. So:\u2028 1. If file named twtxt.txt then grab parent directory name or hostname if file in root (and maybe delete ~?) \u2028 2. If file named nick.txt then grab filename
, following your recommendation, there could be many "twtxt" nicks. 😀
If feed are named twtxt or tw then grab parent directory name!
, and the feed has no nick. What is the nick?
nick is yo? Btw say me which method you choiced. I want to make mention fixer like @bender -> @bender@twtxt.net in my post-hook
Let’s return to previous conversation: what if detect nick from url: pubnix.com/~nick/twtxt.txt is nick, domain.com/anick.txt is anick and etc
Lol why you and bender twts are rendered but my with simular content are skipp3d? Upd: nevermind, i’m dumb, my twt are created in future because i type date -iS and replaces +03:00 with Z: https://twtxt.net/twt/yctmi7a
I mean bug where jenny don’t know about these id’s and tried to request from twtxt.net (prologic sent access logs)
Hello @movq@uninformativ.de . Did you fixed jenny bug which causes fetching long ids from yarn instances on feeds like https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt ? I’m asking because i want to store links in brackets on some of my posts and don’t want to confuse jenny users
My client is twet which i grabbed at https://github.com/jdtron/twet
Test twtxt parser (please remind me to delete this)
Lol only i use discontinued client? (with patches but i’m lost sources so they “proprietary”)
Did you have disallow rule in robots.txt? (I think not because can google several twtxt.net posts)
the command-line client uses.
Yes, ik. But i can’t use this api without yarn.social (feed is just file)
(which powers Yarn.social pods like twtxt.net) does have an API, however that API is designed for clients to interact with the pod and the user's account and feed. e.g: there is a command-line client called yarnc
and I used to maintain a mobile native app (using Flutter).
Want this API for Goryon or just Goryon with support to just twtxt.txt. I can’t read timeline without visible replies and missing twts
You can’t use vultr free tier? Also does anyone tried?
Don’t waste your time. You can find builds in dist directory. Also it’s abandoned app which have more bugs
Breaked my fdroid repo by machinally type rm -rf repo in /var/www/fdroid. Hope it just contain apks and icons and i can recover
Lol, seems yarn do not display metadata on @terron@duque-terron.cat
Insert RSS url to on https://feeds.twtxt.net in textbox
I don’t see post in timeline and mentions from demo account. Even in site and goryon. Demo account follows me
Test Mention for Goryon! @doesnm@demo.yarn.social
Second ip works, yes. According to redirect plinth this site is FreedomBox instance (tried FreedomBox on my single board computer)
Interesting: only for me Goryon does not persist account if i force stop him? If i fix this (on my side) maybe i will host yarn
I don’t know. Maybe it’s dumb secure for ddos and botnets? But it can be used not only with IRC
Remembered about one ISP which disallow IRC stuff on his servers. By searching i found what it’s many ISP’s which equals IRC to proxy and doorways. This is unfair!
Not me. Because my language skills (especially sound/audio) are bad
Actually better than game console: https://elon.cucked.me/grapplingdev/status/1872013696077308284
Your nick is normal. After i delete gh account with nick doesnm i can’t reuse them. And my next nick is… doesnmisclown xD (without a)
python cgi script which handles micropub and writes content to twtxt file. I was want micropub+microsub for twtverse but seems i burned (due choice wrong stack?): https://privatebin.net/?0b598b91ac186855#BfRKjLUQz5KUFJNekJBb5V2qvtEe8xQN8nenYbkez2XR
nick = _
compared to just not defining a nick and let the client use the domain as the handle?
You are right: no advantage. Also your method can make backward compatible to feeds which doesn’t implement metadata extension
nick = _@domain.tld
in the twtxt.txt?
No, i mean just _. If my nick = _ and my twtxt is located at https://doesnm.cc/twtxt.txt then just display me as @doesnm.cc. Why it’s not intuitive?
If NICK = DOMAIN then only show @DOMAIN
So instead of @eapl.me@eapl.me it will just be @eapl.me
Why not nostr way? https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/05.md#showing-just-the-domain-as-an-identifier
Wait Usernet is alive? Does it using NNTP or some other modern technology?
According to internet it’s adshield and i dont think you should allow this domain: https://redlib.nadeko.net/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/188khmu/site_breaks_with_error_unless_ad_domain_is/
Lyse and me tested. Now prologic make public key auth. Ask prologic for create user and give your public key
Test post from IndiePass app
Micropub test of creating a basic h-entry
ILITA (russian network in i2p) get spammed very often (including dms and channels). Now i forgot password and can’t join in +r channels :(
Have this bbs in my bookmarks. Live instance available in ssh://lowlife@ Password is hightech
@prologic did your pod start supported sending txtmentions? Or you manually (Your mention appears in aelaraji’s mentions.txt)
Google Drive? Can he give direct link? Idk about he but twtxt feed can he hosted in s3!
Hm, does your implementation works not with txt-only? I’m tried to write own but didnt test it: https://paste.ee/p/CopOR
Upd: it should show 500 because fpm daemon is broke but i didnt setup reverse_proxy for php
Fun fact: php are broken on my pubnix xD https://doesnm.p.psf.lt/info.php
Maybe realize webmention in my feed? (receiving). Sending maybe will be implemened in WIP client…
Btw about social: found very interesting thing about twitter:
The legal basis that X asserts in the filing is not terribly interesting. But what is interesting is that X has decided to involve itself at all, and it highlights that you do not own your followers or your account or anything at all on corporate social media, and it also highlights the fact that Elon Musk’s X is primarily a political project he is using to boost, or stifle, specific viewpoints and help his friends. In the filing, X’s lawyers essentially say—like many other software companies, and, increasingly, device manufacturers as well—that the company’s terms of service grant X’s users a “license” to use the platform but that, ultimately, X owns all accounts on the social network and can do anything that it wants with them.
Lol, metadata extension should be optional for backward-compability
What do you mean?
go build is working but not go build main.go
same thing @doesnm uses and it worked 👍 Media
I’m cloned repo and go mod init/go mod tidy/go build, only master are broken?
My feed is only 16K. At which size i should archive feed?
Did you mean Death Internet Theory?
Always has been. Web spec is too hard to implement your own web browser from scratch (nothing can, even Google and Apple, they forked KHTML). So if we not count forks we have only three browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari
You need quant computer to host these key services. Nobody will do that. ActivityPub/Twtxt instance can be hosted on calculator
I think it’s centralized shit with lying about decentralization. All network is worked by two centralized things: plc.directory (did storage?) and network relay (bsky.network). You can host your relay but this require TOO MUCH resources (2TB storage and 32GB RAM read more ). Also i try running PDS and: 1. I can’t register account via app,only via cli 2. It leaked on 2GB virtual machine then killed by oom after trying to register account via cli
, check my status!” Okay, fine, I open that and it shows a photo.
Lol, who use stories in IM? It’s crazy! Im only use for talking with parents and academy
Hah, seems i cant connect to plain because irc+insecure://irc.mills.io also not work (my bouncer powered by soju)
Lol, irc.mills.io has expired certificate until 2018 year 0_0
It redirects to main page