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Recent twts from david

And they have arrived (well, they did around 3 hours ago, LOL). Buttery smooth, my 16 Pro (one with dark cover). It took a bit over an hour to transfer all my data.


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In-reply-to » @prologic Do you have a link to some past discussion?

@falsifian@www.falsifian.org comments on the feeds as in nick, url, follow, that kind of thing? If that, then not interested at all. I envision an archive that would allow searching, and potentially browsing threads on a nice, neat interface. You will have to think, though, on other things. Like, what to do with images? Yarn allows users to upload images, but also embed it in twtxts from other sources (hotlinking, actually).

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In-reply-to » @eldersnake I wanted to ask you, are you running Headscale and WireGuard on the same VPS? I want to test Headscale, but currently run a small container with WireGuard, and I wonder if I need to stop (and eventually get rid of) the container to get Headscale going. Did you use the provided .deb to install Headscale, or some other method?

I ended up installing Headscale on my little VPS. Just in case the collide, I turned off WireGuard. Turning that one off (which ran on a container) also frees some memory. Headscale is running quite well! Indeed, I have struggled getting any web management console to work, but it really isnā€™t needed. Everything needed to commandeer the server is available through the CLI.

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In-reply-to » Location Addressing is fine in smaller or single systems. But when you're talking about large decentralised systems with no single point of control (kind of the point) things like independable variable integrity become quite important.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org indeed! There is no ā€œcentral authorityā€ acting as witness, and notary. The more I think of itā€¦ LOL.

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In-reply-to » @movq could it be possible to have compressed_subject(msg_singlelined) be configurable, so only a certain number of characters get displayed, ending on ellipses? Right now the entire twtxt is crammed into the Subject:. This request aims to make twtxts display on mutt/neomutt, etc. more like emails do.

I mean, really, it couldnā€™t get any better. I love it!


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In-reply-to » @movq could it be possible to have compressed_subject(msg_singlelined) be configurable, so only a certain number of characters get displayed, ending on ellipses? Right now the entire twtxt is crammed into the Subject:. This request aims to make twtxts display on mutt/neomutt, etc. more like emails do.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de perfect in every way. Configurable too! Thank you!

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In-reply-to » @movq could it be possible to have compressed_subject(msg_singlelined) be configurable, so only a certain number of characters get displayed, ending on ellipses? Right now the entire twtxt is crammed into the Subject:. This request aims to make twtxts display on mutt/neomutt, etc. more like emails do.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de yes, thatā€™s perfect! <3

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In-reply-to » I setup and switched to Headscale last night. It was relatively simple, I spent more time installing a web GUI to manage it to be honest, the actual server is simple enough. The native Tailscale Android app even works with it thankfully.

@eldersnake@we.loveprivacy.club I wanted to ask you, are you running Headscale and WireGuard on the same VPS? I want to test Headscale, but currently run a small container with WireGuard, and I wonder if I need to stop (and eventually get rid of) the container to get Headscale going. Did you use the provided .deb to install Headscale, or some other method?

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In-reply-to » no my fault your client can't handle a little editing ;)

@prologic@twtxt.net I know the role of the current hash is to allow referencing (replies and, thus, threads), and it also represents a ā€œuniqueā€ way to verify a twtxt hasnā€™t been tampered with. Is that second so important, if we are trying to allow edits? I know if feels good to be able to verify, but in reality, how often one does it?

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@movq@www.uninformativ.de could it be possible to have compressed_subject(msg_singlelined) be configurable, so only a certain number of characters get displayed, ending on ellipses? Right now the entire twtxt is crammed into the Subject:. This request aims to make twtxts display on mutt/neomutt, etc. more like emails do.

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In-reply-to » Speaking of AI tech (sorry!); Just came across this really cool tool built by some engineers at Googleā„¢ (currently completely free to use without any signup) called NotebookLM šŸ‘Œ Looks really good for summarizing and talking to document šŸ“ƒ

@prologic@twtxt.net I donā€™t trust Google with anything, sorry, pass. Oh, and you need to sign in on your Google Account (or whatever they call it these days).

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In-reply-to » no my fault your client can't handle a little editing ;)

@prologic@twtxt.net how about hashing a combination of nick/timestamp, or url/timestamp only, and not the twtxt content? On edit those will not change, so no breaking of threads. I know, I know, just adding noise here. :-P

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In-reply-to » Apple A16 SoC Now Manufactured In Arizona "Apple has begun manufacturing its A16 SoC at the newly-opened TSCM Fab 21 in Arizona," writes Slashdot reader NoMoreACs. AppleInsider reports: According to sources of Tim Culpan, Phase 1 of TSMC's Fab 21 in Arizona is making the A16 SoC of the iPhone 14 Pro in "small, but significant, numbers. The production is largely a test for the facility at this stage, but more production is expected ... āŒ˜ Read more

@eldersnake@we.loveprivacy.club there has to be less reliance on a single point of failure. It is not so much about creating jobs in the US (which come with it, anyway), but about the ability to produce whatā€™s needed at home too. Whatā€™s the trade off? Is it going to be a little bit more expensive to manufacture, perhaps?

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Incredibly upsetā€”more than you could imagineā€”because I already made the first mistake, and corrected it (but twtxt.net got it on itā€™s cache, ugh!) :ā€˜-( . Canā€™t wait for editing to become a reality!

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In-reply-to » I have configured my twtxt.txt as simple as possible. I have setup a publish_command on [jenny]((https://www.uninformativ.de/git/jenny/file/README.html). Hopefully all works fine, and I am good to go. Next will be setting the announce_me to true. Here we go!

Alright, announce_me set to true. Now, who do I pick to be my first mention? Decisions, decisions. Next twtxt will have my first mention(s). :-)

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I have configured my twtxt.txt as simple as possible. I have setup a publish_command on jenny. Hopefully all works fine, and I am good to go. Next will be setting the announce_me to true. Here we go!

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