There have been many changes to
Hello world
More specifically a gopher based zine
Working on some text based things today
LiveJournal reminds me of traumatic past, so here is the gift from 2012 when my shitty Landlord’s cheap workmanship flooded my flat for the next year until I left.
Something I find important is possibly happening
I do arte me
anyways I’ve still got some other stuff to poke around with on
Okokok, I added my twtxt link on my sites social media icon section
I’ve made a couple more modifications and I think I got it
I just realised my redirection on shows me as so I fixed that
Poting this from my 10+ year old tablet
I’ve completed the transition of being fully self-hosted from web to mail
Self-hosting email not by choice
Sleep deprived projects are the best projects
I’m working on a few things, one of which was to fix up and some email stuff
I got ChatGPT to hallucinate a story based on the rough notes of my dream
We might have a mousey in the housey
Anyways, I’ve been putting off walking in to the forest again (and going to the cheaper hypermarché at the same time). Should probably get around to that before the hookening
Also, regular reminder - fuck capitalism and may the wealth horders get what they deserve
Another part of this crisis is that I like the idea of what I was doing with gemini, but the main issue here is that hosting from my house when my internet is terminated every month for 10-15 days is a problem. Not just for my sanity, but also for reliability
I’m having a life crisis, I’m not happy with any of my internet presence (again). I don’t know what I want or how I want it to be. I let a lot of my domains expire (lol poor) but I still have my special core ones and I want them to all be loved equally
The creativity of the internet always amazes me
I had an encounter of the pick me kind and I’m still offended
Just in case you can find it here
I’ve made smart and added a backup copy of my twtxt file to Storj cos my internet keeps on dying
Mass Effect 3 - Gays in Space â‹… Plume
Cunts in Tech - A series of totally normal posts from
I overslept today in a series of probably depression related reasons. I really hate #capitalism
Pour one out for the Platforms that Were Lost in Time(Warner) â‹… Plume
Well the cats had to come back inside, Jarod decided that 6h was a perfect time to howl down the neighbourhood. Samy is unamused by this.
On a positive note, Samy always gets upset he has to come in overnight while I sleep. He’s currently outside living his life long dream
I’m glad to report that I’ve entered the « tired but can’t sleep » stage of overwhelming sense of doom
Jarod’s mood today is howl at the neighbours because he wants their food
Somebody wrote that it started with one Orca having a beef with a boat, then teaching the pod to do the same. Love that petty
Orcas attacking boats wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card but amused all the same
I went to check the post and Jarod started screaming at me through the fence because I didn’t bring him
Not sure how anybody can be undecided about Twitter after everything else really
If you’re still undecided about Twitter, surely animal abuse should be the final nail right ?
I’m going to have to take everything offline for a few hours at home since I need to go replace my physical internet box and collect the new one
Je n’ai pas obtenu le poste, alors je dois choisir entre la dépression et le #minitel. Je pense que vous pouvez comprendre ce que j’ai choisi
Ressortez vos Minitels, le micro-serveur COMPUTEL est de retour !
#Macron parle sans ironie de célébrer la résistance tout en interdisant la résistance à son gouvernement par les restrictions imposées à #Lyon et en gardant les #ChampsÉlysées vides
Un Nivernais fait du vintage une passion et du Minitel un projet de fin d’année à l’IUT d’Auxerre
New York : des manifestants envahissent les voies du métro, cinq jours après la mort de Jordan Neely -
Remember kids - it is socially acceptable to get ChatGPT to write your cover letters as long as companies think it is OK to ghost candidates
It is supposed to be raining so the cats can’t have their boxes outside
works like magic
Also thanks to for the new version of the yellow plugin
I’ve restarted my home mail server using No idea why, guess I just needed a thing
Le gouvernement qui se cache de son peuple, demande des drones pour surveiller le peuple
I’ve tried twtxt2atom ( but it doesn’t seem to be generating the body for the post
I mean I could run my own pod and of course achieve that
Trying to work out if it is possible to churn out an atom file to update mastodon with twtxt
Let me try a thing
My NAS Drive Might Be Dead - Plume
yey it did work - - not sure why the individual post page isn’t working tho
I also forgot to mention, it is Jarod’s birthday today -
I hope it will work as it seems like a super good idea to integrate it to
I am going to try to install the twtxt Yellow extension from Søren -
Twitter in 2023 is better than LiveJournal in 2005 - Plume
Mood is sushi â‹… Plume
I’ve got the archives of my Musker accounts safe and sound, let the man baby play his games without me
The direct link is here :
not the greatest idea whilst searching for a job, but fuck it. Now I also feel like going for a walk, so win I guess
I just wrote a mega blog post that has been on my mind for months
I did a thing, I went to a place â‹… Plume
Just finished writing my doc on how I’m using Parabola to export LJ to Plume
I documented how I’ve been using the #Plume API to create posts, hopefully somebody might find it useful nope rope
and I need to start paying more attention to twtxt again
I’ve been a bit busy