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Recent twts from stigatle

Today we went to my mom’s camper, we spent the day there, Marlyn and kids took the car, I took the motorcycle. We spent the day there outside, playing minigolf, eating pizza, walk the dog, and my stepdad went fishing with the kids as well. All in all it was a great day :)

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Hey! How are you all doing? Been very busy days the last weeks, but now it’s weekend, and the things we needed to do today are done, so now I can sit down for the rest of the day and just chill.

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wow, we got about 30\40cm of snow last night, and when I woke up we could not even look out the window because of the snow storm, thought the kids would not get to school, but right before they left for the bus it cleared up. Got rid of the snow outside after work today, so now it’s clear skies and nice out :)

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Moved more snow today than ever before. Terrace is now ready for use. -10c out, tomorrow we’ll sit there with the portable fire pit, make some food on it :) this week has been crazy, but now it’s weekend and time to relax a bit.

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I like coding on stuff, but I rarely spend time in unreal engine, or godot, but I still want to code on some game stuff once in a while. I think I’ve found what I’ve been looking for to test out - #raylib , I want to recreate one of my older (outdated) projects that I did a while back in godot, but make the same with raylib. Also it would be cool to use the USD ( ) library that me and a friend is coding - to then implement it and load USD scenes in raylib, that would be very nice, that way I get to work on both the USD library, and code some game stuff at the same time, always nice to combine things.

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Started on a activitypub client, gtk4, c, made on OpenBSD, been quite nice learning experience so far, a bit adjustment from the usual way I do things. I have not done a project in pure c before.
Got token stuff sorted, and posting, next is getting the timeline (and gui for that etc).

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It’s weekend again, time to chill.
Weekends means family time, long hikes and late nights with the TV.
I’m done with the long walk for today, and kids are busy with friends, so now I sit on my laptop for a bit.

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A 7 year old boy has been missing in a forest since Sunday after he got away from his family that he was on a hunt with, its the biggest search party In a long while that has been looking for him, hundreds and hundreds of people, some has been helping out with drones (and driven 800km to get there), and search dogs from all over Norway joined. And sadly today they found a dead person there. It’s really sad. Been thinking about him every day, and especially when I go to bed, and then think that this 7 year old has been missing outside, at night alone etc. weather has not been nice either. Ooooffff…

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Today I’ve been working on something that I’ve really missed, and that is clickable links in the desktop client, finally figured out how they work. So now you can click on them and it opens the browser. I need to clean it up before I commit it.


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So, a husky will pull. Tried all kinds of training for it, but his pulling does not go away, often it’s OK when we walk with a regular collar, but he can also pull crazy hard with that - he just does not care if he chokes. when I walk with harness - he can pull as much as he wants\needs (since we both have one). But the problem is that he still pulls as hard on leash, tried one of those ‘slip’ leashes for a good while, but he could not care less.
So today I bought something else (see attached image (not my dog in the image)). And this thing is magical, honestly.
He does not like to have it on much yet, but I can now hold the leash with one finger. And the thing is that when you use this - they most likely will learn from that and walk nice on regular leash as well.

So yeah, just wanted to mention it, since it works better then anything else I’ve tried.


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Good morning to you all! Just had the morning walk with the dog in the rain, it’s raining pretty bad today, all day.
But that also means I have some time for my computer later today. I just have to figure out what to do first :)
Probably code a bit, or reinstall one of my computers, I’ve been wanting to run #OpenBSD again, I tried it on one of my laptops, but wifi did not work for some reason, but I have some wifi dongles - so I’ll try with that, or install on one of my other laptops.
I have a #Thinkpad #x200 with #libreboot, I might give it a shot there - all though it takes some time to get it to work with libreboot, I did install it some years ago though, so I think that should work again now. Either way I’ll figure out something to tinker with today!

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Yesterday and today Marlyn painted our kitchen, we have dark grey walls in the livingroom\kitchen, but our kitchen was high gloss white, but now she panted the kitchen the same color as the walls, turned out very nice! I really like it. And glad that she wanted to do that - I hate painting inside.
Cheap way to make the kitchen feel new.

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Today we went on another roadtrip! Was really nice, we also spent 2 hours in a crowded resturant (table outside), with our dog Nanook, went great! Kids could eat a whole pizza, and he just sat there next to the table taking in the view, dogs walked by, people walked by, crowded street etc, was awesome to see that all the training we have done gives very positive results :) Been a fantastic day. And was nice to spend it all with my family, I love having time off work.

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I hung up a older tv in our bedroom today, a dumb tv without any smart features, bought one of those new chromecast’s, works very well, pleased with this setup. Gonna be nice to watch some TV in bed, or listen to podcasts etc.

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Went out with our husky this morning for some playtime, had one of the long lines on him and throw ball, the long line hook snapped, and luckily we have trained a lot on recall so he came straight back. Then went and got a more robust long line.
I started doing this instead of longer walks when he wakes up. He uses up more energy playing then walking, so he is more relaxed afterwards.

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Good evening everyone! Damn nice with vacation, nice to sleep in every day :) Weather has not been good, really cold, feels like autumn to be honest, and lots of wind. Not summer weather at all these days.

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Kids has gone to bed, watching some youtube before they fall a sleep, Marlyn is playing PUBG, husky is sleeping on the couch after a long late evening walk, and I’m sitting on the couch listening to podcasts and just chilling. Nice way to end this Monday.

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Portioned out some raw meat for the dog, we usually buy it as frozen meatballs, but they have bigger frozen sauages of raw meat that you can buy, more meat for less price. So decided to go for that now, so got my axe and made it into daily portions.

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This whole twitter thing got me motivated to code on the yarn desktop client.
Currently working on adding support for links in the post, so that you can open and view the links that are in the statuses.

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my stress level has gone down 10x today. been stressed a lot lately, but now Im much better. nothing has been wrong or anything øike that, just been stressed out. and now its only two weeks until I start my 4 week vacation, that will be super nice.

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I wonder when they will show a UAP\UFO in physical form to everyone.
So much talk about it - but no physical evidence is shown.
I have no doubt that tech like that exists somewhere in the universe - it’s not unlikely at all.
Just think about the tech advancement the last 200 years, and then what if there exists others that are 1 million years beyond our timeline.

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