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Recent twts from prologic

For anyone else that can’t login to and believe they had an account, please reach out to me. I suffered a recent database corruption. Your feed is likely still there, so just reach out and we can sort out any mess 🙏

⤋ Read More I think you tried to email me with an encrypted GPG email? 📧 Unfortunately the inbox you sent to (managed by Google Workspaces / GMail) isn’t equipped with any GPG or my keys so I had to decrypt by hand, which sux. Are you on Signal?

Alternative message me on Salty IM ( at

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Apparently there are some ~30 users (real people) that actively use my pod 😳 in the past 90 days. 😅 The question I have is; what can we do as a small community here? 🤔 We have an Open Collective; but it doesn’t receive enough funds to be useful enough (yet?) to pay for small projects and continuous improvements.

What else can we do? 🤔

Additionally there are 7 other pods online too 😅 But not sure of their stats…

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“Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! But wait, it gets better. I was trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich, but my cat decided it wanted a piece of the action. So there I was, battling my feline friend for control of the pan, when I accidentally dropped the sandwich into the tomato sauce. Well, let me tell you, that tomato-soaked grilled cheese was quite the sensation! My taste buds were dancing with delight as I savored every bite. And my cat? It looked at me with such pure, unadulterated joy, I couldn’t help but laugh. So here’s to unexpected twists in life and delicious tomato sauce. May your Twtxt.txt feed always be filled with entertaining stories and tasty culinary creations!” 🥗😸

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I feel a little safer using the Web with Little Snitch installed on my personal Mac 😅 I’ve already blocked unwanted traffic from SyncThing as well as Brew. Syncthing wanted to talk to various pub sub services, which I said “fuck no”, “isn’t this thing meant to be local?!” And Brew (shame on you) wants to send analytics to 🤦‍♂️ C’mon Homebrew, run your own fucking Influx server 😅

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Little Snitch 👈 This little nice macOS App is really cool 👌 introduced it to me years ago, and I’ve finally installed it in “Demo” mode for the last ~24 hrs and it’s so great 😅 Check this out:


– There are connections made by some apps like Plex Amp that I wasn’t aware of, which I’ve know subsequently blocked. Like wtf/! 😱

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Have a bit of a conundrum I need your thoughts on… I have stuck up early conversations with the developer of a nice little Document database in Go called clover. He has kindly offered to collaborate with me on a v2 rewrite (or improvements) to my Bitcask. He very rightfully points out that the project (Bitcask) would benefit greatly from the community (Github in this case) and potential growth from the exposure there. I retorted with Microsoft’s recent blatant theft of millions of open source projects to train their CoPilot models without so much as attributing the works they used to drive what is now a sellable product.

What do I do? We’re at a bit of a “sticking point” here and I’m not really willing to compromise. Microsoft are basically cheating, stealing assholes and should be sued and the execs who decided it was a good idea to steal content to build their product, thrown in. jail.

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