
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic

Introduction to JuiceFS | JuiceFS Document Center – Thinking about using JuiceFS to solve a long-running problem I’ve always had.

  • Be able to run services on any node in my cluster and let Docker Swarm pick whatever node it likes (instead of now where I have to pin some workloads to specific nodes, as that’s where their local storage volume is)
  • Manage the scalability of data and growth over time instead of what I do now which is to extend EXT4 filesystems on my Docker Swarm nodes every few years.

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Time for work™, But I quickly hacked together a bit of a better solution here. Rolling it out to my pod so we’ll see how it actually goes. Still possible to abuse if you’re a logged in user, etc, but at least now we delete the invalid/bad feed afterwards if it a) was not even a text//plain content-type or b) it errored out and was a new fetch of a HTTP feed.

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I just realized, this is the last Saturday of the month. So meetup is up again tomorrow. Same time as last time if anyone is interested/around to join and hang out!

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Dear OnlyDomains, part of Team Internet. Do you think you could stop being so incompetent when it comes to Domains, DNS and basic HTTP? I reported this to you on Friday, and you are still arguing with me over Support the legitimatecy of the claims? Seriously?! 😧

$ dig @ +short a

$ nc -vvv 443
nc: connectx to port 443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused


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Hmmm 🧐

for url in $(jq -r '.Twters[].avatar' cache.json | sed '/^$/d' | grep -v -E '(|||' | sort -u); do echo "$url $(curl -I -s -o /dev/null -w '%header{content-length}' "$url")"; done

😅 Let’s see… 🤔

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Hmm remove the cpu limits on this pod, not even sure why I had ‘em set tbh, we decided at my day job that setting cpu limits on containers is a bit of a silly idea too. Anyway, pod should be much snappier now 😅

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I had a play with LiveKit Agents Playground: KITT and I have to say it’s pretty impressive. Not the ChatGPT part of course, but the speech recognition and text to speech synthesis.

KITT is an AI voice assistant powered by LiveKit Agents, Deepgram, Eleven Labs, and ChatGPT. It is running on LiveKit Playground.

It’s too bad it relies on three cloud services, none of which can be run locally (with the exception of Ollama that you could replace the OpenAI component with).

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So Belong (out retail mobile phone provider of choice), who are owned by Telstra want to increase the price of their plans by +40%.

Telstra, who own Belong, have had the following financial earnings over the past 4 years:

  • FY2021: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +3.4% $1.9B
  • FY2022: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): -4.6% $1.8B
  • FY2023: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +13.1% $2.1B
  • FY2024: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +11.4% $1B

Not sure how this year’s results had a +11.4% increase, but only $1B in profits.

#Telstra #Belong #Australia #PriceHikes

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I recently learned that our Australian Liberal National Party, spent 10’s of thousands of dollars on a campaign involving flyers posted around the suburbs (localities) of our local Greens federal member, Elizabeth Watson Brown. Not only was the material produced by the LNP party, distributed and paid for by the LNP party, full of lies, but they had the audacity to make the “flyers” appear as though they were from the Greens themselves! 🤦‍♂️ wtf?! #Politics #Sucks

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* 8eef4d5d - (HEAD -> main, origin/main) Add DB restore capability and tools/ script (19 seconds ago) <James Mills>

Oh well 😅 It works wonderfully!

In the event of a database corruption or loss:

$ URL= ./tools/ > db.json
mv db.json data/db.restore.json
yarnd ...

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