
News about (the pod) and (the software and ecosystem)

Recent twts from news

📣 NEW: Added a new feature for pod operators to optionally configure. Compact Front Page.


When enabled will display only one post per feed on the unauthenticated Discover view (the front page).

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📣 NEW: For those that run a pod (an instance of yarnd) for their Twtxt needs for themselves, family and friends, please be aware of the following change/commit in main or edge (if you use the Docker image):

* f3f1e429 2022-12-21 | Add configurable front page (anonymous discover view) behaviour (#1103) (HEAD -> main, origin/main) [James Mills]

Be aware that this change will by default make the front page of your pod display “local” posts only. This only affects the front page for anonymous viewers, this does not affect the actual “Discover” view (once authenticated).

If you want the old behaviour, go to Settings -> Poderator Settings and change the “Front page displays” option.

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Hey all 👋 I’ve just update my pod at to a “dev” branch to test PR #1059, please let me know if you experience any issues or regressions, bugs, etc 🙏 If everything is good after a few hours I will merge this PR and keep working. This is the new “Filter and Lists” feature… Thanks! 🙇‍♂️

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📣 FYI: This pod ( may restarts several times over the next few hours as I work on v0.15 milestone issues and push them out to my pod live. If you see 404 Not Found its just the Pod restarting, just check back in a minute.

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