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Recent twts from eapl.me

Ha, I love this game. It’s a right mix of puzzle, guessing and poker 🃁

#Pokle #762

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Wordle DS SLOTH 5/6 02:08

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“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” ― L.P. Jacks

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“We need our sensitivity to be hurt in order to grow. If we protect our feelings, we become cyclical, remain impoverished, frustrated, stagnant. You need a love, a coach, a boss, an influencer, a stranger who emotionally wounds your worldview so you can then redirect that anger/pain it causes you towards an analysis that helps you eliminate/optimize much of what you’re doing.”

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Playing Oracle of Ages on Switch…

I’m not enjoying at all the Game Design. Has its moments, but nothing compared with Awakening or Minish Cap 😐

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My 1FA is Probably Better than Your MFA

Yep, I’ve always thought of authenticating with Key pairs on the web. We have something similar for Gemini, although that protocol by itself is very hipster.
And the alternative WebAuthn/Passkeys is pretty tricky to implement and not universally supported, although was designed with good intentions for the massive public… Result, (almost) no one uses it

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#Pokle #507

I like this micro game so much… I’m always amazed of the puzzles 😀

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Holiday here 🇲🇽 … Trying not to think on work a lot (yeah, we gave a few deliveries by Friday)

Also I started to design a Secret Santa Web although my family solved that with cut papers and a neutral person not joining the raffle. Perhaps I use that Web in the local Geek meet-up.

How is your Monday going?

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Due to the Daylight Saving Time, I recall a quick clock I made where it adjust daily so sunrise is at 7am in your place.

Luckily in my country DST is no more, although it could be good and boring to always wake up with the same position of the sun.

After work I should write about this experimental (and unfeasible?) clock 🤔

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Wordle DS 835 6/6

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I’ve cleaned up my bookmarks list a bit. Now there are 560+ to read in some moment of my life 🤔 (assuming I’ll live 80+ years)

Also, I improved the web preview a bit, I think it makes more sense to show the domain instead of only the title.

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En esta semana recordé que algo vital para lograr maestría en alguna actividad es poner una cantidad suficiente de tiempo.

Actualmente la ‘modernidad’ nos pide resultados inmediatos, y aunque mucho se ha automatizado, muchas cosas valiosas requieren el recurso más escaso: Tu tiempo.

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Wordle DS 811 4/6 02:25 📈1


Today I found a Wordle for DS, available in the Homebrew ‘Store’ for my 3DS.

Allows you to scan a QR to share your score, neat!

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