

I'm not sure, but I think I know more than I do.

Recent twts from darren

Traveling this week on business. Airport lounges aren’t what they used to be. They are just crowded closets stuffed with rude slobs stuffing their faces at a mediocre buffet. The enshittification of air travel has no bottom.

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Today in NW Minnesota, its 52 degrees. In February. We are on track for the warmest winter on record. Its been disappointing not to be able to avail ourselves of all the winter activities and outdoor sports we typically enjoy. Instead, I am worrying about deer ticks in February. Wtf.
Next week with temps that could reach the 60s, I will probably get a jump on spring cleanup (which usually happens here in May), with the lawn tractor.

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You know that thing when a resting dog gets up and turns little circles before laying back down comfortably?

That’s my iRobot today.

Do you think she might be a little sick, or just content?

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Didn’t watch all 5 hours of the TikTok hearings but what I did see was a bunch of boomers asking dumb embarrass staff prepared, technically-nonsensical boomeresque questions like “Does it connect to the Wi-Fi?” and “Why have you not directed your engineers to change the source code?”

I hate TikTok but I hate stupid political shit like this even more. Even when it is “bi-partisan.”

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Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m tired of snow. I’ve done all my favorite winter activities. Now I am ready to cut grass.
This latest snow storm just wiped me out.

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