
"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park."

Recent twts from bender

This is pretty cool! Hurrah, and props to the Germans!

“At a Berlin trade fair for sustainability, a new gadget caught Waltraud Berg’s eye — a solar panel small enough to be easily installed on the side of a balcony and then plugged into a wall socket to feed energy produced by the sun directly into her home.”

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I just replicated the duplication of twtxts. To do so, simply click “Edit”, wait for the textarea to come up with the post you are “editing”, and navigate away. Done.

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I just replicated the duplication of twtxts. To do so, simply click “Edit”, wait for the textarea to come up with the post you are “editing”, and navigate away. Done.

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Having slept for only 2 hours, I truly feel like, well, someone who has only slept 2 hours. 🤭 Can’t wait for lunch time to take a small nap.

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