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Recent twts from xuu
In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

and then i have a compact version that makes things more grep’able in scripts.


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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org its a hierarchy key value format. I designed it for the network peering tools i use.. I can grant access to different parts of the tree to other users.. kinda like directory permissions. a basic example of the format is:

# multi
# line
# comment
root :value

# example space comment
@namespace.name space-tag 

# attribute comments
attribute attr-tag  :value for attribute

# attribute with multiple 
# lines of values
foo :bar

repeated :value1
repeated :value2

each @ starts the definition of a namespace kinda like [name] in ini format. It can have comments that show up before. then each attribute is key :value and can have their own # comment lines.
Values can be multi line.. and also repeated..

the namespaces and values can also have little meta data tags added to them.

screenshot of my webapp

screenshot of my webapp

the service can define webhooks/mqtt topics to be notified when the configs are updated. That way it can deploy the changes out when they are updated.

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In-reply-to » Go 1.22.0 introduces a new experiment for range functions. Have you tried them out? What do you think it can make easier to accomplish?

Things can get very interesting when we add the iter.Pull function in the mix. It works like pythons yield from.


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In-reply-to » Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits To Their Friends and Family Many Plex users were alarmed when they got a "week in review" email last week that showed them what they and their friends had watched on the popular media server software. From a report: Some users are saying that their friends' softcore porn habits are being revealed to them with the feature, while others are horrified ... ⌘ Read more

@prologic@twtxt.net you must not have any friends with plex shares. I got one.


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Interesting thing happening over on Xitter. Apparently some of the women in tech accounts are being exposed as being run by men that hire women to pose for images/videos. They would be invited to tech conferences but would always drop out last minute.

fake women in tech

fake women in tech

Makes me wonder if maybe there is need for a sort of verifiable web of trust is needed where influencers can be proven as authentic by others. This will only get worse as AI generative content gets pushed into our feeds.

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An official FBI document dated January 2021, obtained by the American association “Property of People” through the Freedom of Information Act.


This document summarizes the possibilities for legal access to data from nine instant messaging services: iMessage, Line, Signal, Telegram, Threema, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp and Wickr. For each software, different judicial methods are explored, such as subpoena, search warrant, active collection of communications metadata (“Pen Register”) or connection data retention law (“18 USC§2703”). Here, in essence, is the information the FBI says it can retrieve:

  • Apple iMessage: basic subscriber data; in the case of an iPhone user, investigators may be able to get their hands on message content if the user uses iCloud to synchronize iMessage messages or to back up data on their phone.

  • Line: account data (image, username, e-mail address, phone number, Line ID, creation date, usage data, etc.); if the user has not activated end-to-end encryption, investigators can retrieve the texts of exchanges over a seven-day period, but not other data (audio, video, images, location).

  • Signal: date and time of account creation and date of last connection.

  • Telegram: IP address and phone number for investigations into confirmed terrorists, otherwise nothing.

  • Threema: cryptographic fingerprint of phone number and e-mail address, push service tokens if used, public key, account creation date, last connection date.

  • Viber: account data and IP address used to create the account; investigators can also access message history (date, time, source, destination).

  • WeChat: basic data such as name, phone number, e-mail and IP address, but only for non-Chinese users.

  • WhatsApp: the targeted person’s basic data, address book and contacts who have the targeted person in their address book; it is possible to collect message metadata in real time (“Pen Register”); message content can be retrieved via iCloud backups.

  • Wickr: Date and time of account creation, types of terminal on which the application is installed, date of last connection, number of messages exchanged, external identifiers associated with the account (e-mail addresses, telephone numbers), avatar image, data linked to adding or deleting.

TL;DR Signal is the messaging system that provides the least information to investigators.

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In-reply-to » I started reading the proposal to introduce operator overloading in Go version 2 that I like to see: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27605 Now a few hours later I ended up at this gem. Write a program that makes 2+2=5: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/28786/write-a-program-that-makes-2-2-5 There are some awesone solutions. :-)

@prologic@twtxt.net same.


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