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Recent twts from stigatle


Finally fixed so that usernames mentioned in a post shows up as @user , and not with brackets and twtxt file url, looks so much better now! One thing I want to focus on next - is handling replies to a status, that will make it much easier to follow a conversation.

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In-reply-to » Today I'm looking into flutter again, I've been wanting to test that out for a while. I started adding functionality from the 'yarn desktop client' ( ) I've been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter. Currently I'm able to log in and fetch the logged in user's username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it's a good start. That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next.

Got all 3 timelines in, so you can switch between them.
Need to add some kind of refresh feature as well, then I’ll get it cleaned up and put the source out, and continue from there - also the UI is not final, now I’m just focusing on features. The UI will be cleaned up as well.


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In-reply-to » Today I'm looking into flutter again, I've been wanting to test that out for a while. I started adding functionality from the 'yarn desktop client' ( ) I've been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter. Currently I'm able to log in and fetch the logged in user's username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it's a good start. That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next.

Pretty cool. Got the timeline working, statuses separated, avatars loading, linked images in statuses works, can also post statuses from it.
Heh. will work on the remaining things the next days.
This will replace the current gtk4 client I wrote, I like this much better.
Will also make it into a appimage, and look into flatpak as well.


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In-reply-to » Today I'm looking into flutter again, I've been wanting to test that out for a while. I started adding functionality from the 'yarn desktop client' ( ) I've been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter. Currently I'm able to log in and fetch the logged in user's username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it's a good start. That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next.

well, we have the timeline :)
Next up - make it look a bit better


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Today I’m looking into flutter again, I’ve been wanting to test that out for a while.
I started adding functionality from the ‘yarn desktop client’ ( ) I’ve been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter.
Currently I’m able to log in and fetch the logged in user’s username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it’s a good start.
That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next.


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Bought a motorcycle this summer, I did not want two cars, and Marlyn would like to have the car more when I’m at work. So I bought a new cheap motorcycle, KTM Adventure 390.
It’s been 10 years since I last had a motorcycle (back then I had a KTM 990cc).
Here I am with my daughter on the new bike :)
My kids love to go for rides, so does Marlyn as well, so it’s a lot of fun for all of us.


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We also rented a cabin for 5 days, and did a lot of things..

We visited Heddal stave church from 13th century, was really nice. Never been inside it until yesterday. Such a great building. Amazing to sit there and think about all the people who had been there since it was built.



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Finally went to a place I’ve been wanting to go to for a long time. There used to be train tracks here, but now it’s a gravel road and nature reserve. I had my biike and he ran for many kilometres. 2 degrees, rain, forgot my gloves, but it was all worth it :)


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Today I’ve been working on something that I’ve really missed, and that is clickable links in the desktop client, finally figured out how they work. So now you can click on them and it opens the browser. I need to clean it up before I commit it.


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In-reply-to » Weekend is getting close! We have a packed weekend for sure, but it'll be a nice one :) Hope you all get to have a nice day! What are you all doing this weekend? Anything cool?

Was raining so much, so I did not take pictures today, but I took this now at least, haha


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So, a husky will pull. Tried all kinds of training for it, but his pulling does not go away, often it’s OK when we walk with a regular collar, but he can also pull crazy hard with that - he just does not care if he chokes. when I walk with harness - he can pull as much as he wants\needs (since we both have one). But the problem is that he still pulls as hard on leash, tried one of those ‘slip’ leashes for a good while, but he could not care less.
So today I bought something else (see attached image (not my dog in the image)). And this thing is magical, honestly.
He does not like to have it on much yet, but I can now hold the leash with one finger. And the thing is that when you use this - they most likely will learn from that and walk nice on regular leash as well.

So yeah, just wanted to mention it, since it works better then anything else I’ve tried.


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In-reply-to » Bought myself a mountain bike today, first time (as a adult) that I have a really nice bike. it was on sale, and cost 1\3rd of the kickbike I kinda wanted. So after some thinking I decided that a bike is better for the dog (and me) then a kickbike. I assembled the bike and then went out so that he could have a long run, was awesome. I especially like it when he knows the commands I give (for left\right etc). So awesome to see him instantly know what I want him to do. He also ignored all people who walked or biked, and kept the pace throughout. here is what I got :


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In-reply-to » Bought myself a mountain bike today, first time (as a adult) that I have a really nice bike. it was on sale, and cost 1\3rd of the kickbike I kinda wanted. So after some thinking I decided that a bike is better for the dog (and me) then a kickbike. I assembled the bike and then went out so that he could have a long run, was awesome. I especially like it when he knows the commands I give (for left\right etc). So awesome to see him instantly know what I want him to do. He also ignored all people who walked or biked, and kept the pace throughout. kickbike is one of these


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