Question of the day: What configuration file formats do you all like and use? key=value\n
or JSON. YAML is the worst and I don’t understand why it’s so popular. i made my own :D
I do prefer toml for the old school ini style with added support for object lists.
my second would be hjson or any other json with comments style. Lack of comments are definitely a shortcoming of JSON. I don’t like TOML because it lets you have nested categories ([foo] [] [foo.baz]
) and it just feels confusing to me, even with indentation. Simple INI files are okay.
The Prosody XMPP server’s configuration file is just a Lua script because Prosody is written in Lua, and that’s excellent. Regarding YAML’s readability, I miss the -
for list items constantly when reading YAML files. I’ll get confused because I think I’m not in a list or I’m in the previous list item, then I have to go back. List items are all on the same indentation column and one tiny character is the only thing defining a new one. I don’t know if others have this problem.