Going out for a hike with the dog. Then I’ll code a bit later today.
Want to fix the timeline refresh, and then create one timeline for each timeline, and buttons to switch between them.

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Need to rework the timeline a bit, I want it to append new statuses after refresh, right now it fetches the whole timeline and just inserts it as a whole. So I’ll work on that alongside the refresh functionality.

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Moving my source to git today, I have just developed on a local copy until today.
I needed to move it before going too crazy with it. Starting the work on the timeline that I’ve mentioned.
Yesterday I ran out of time, but today I have some free time to work on things. Very pleased with the software already, I know I’ll use it all the time. So today I will work on refreshing the timeline, and then fix so that it’s a bit smarter then now, the class that holds the statuses will also contain the GUI elements for each status, that way I can more easily append new statuses into the timeline - instead of grabbing the whole timeline and rebuild all it’s gui each time it refreshes. I know what to do - so I do not expect it to take too long to fix.

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Also - I would like to know where you all like to have git hosted..
Github? Some other place? Do you mind self-hosted git servers? (I currently have my own)..
What do you all prefer? Do you mind compiling software from source if instructions are clear and easy? Or do you prefer to download a released binary and run that?

I also later on (as soon as it’s in usable state) want to make flatpack, appimage as well, that is something I have not done before - but I want to set that up as well.

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@prologic@twtxt.net I agree with you points, and I feel the same.
I currently run a gogs instance on my webserver, I’m putting my source there for now.
Currently registrations are disabled and such, I’m the only user, that is the main issue I think - people need to register to submit a change. and I do not want people to register on my own git instance either, so I have to think about it a bit.

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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org We use gitlab daily at work. but for my own projects I use gogs. I have some scripts that I used for a gnusocial client that I maintained (before leaving gnusocial). I’ll see if I can adapt that and make deb files for the yarn client - I mostly use debian \ Trisquel my self, so I also like .deb as well.

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One thing I need to also fix - is the way a reply is done, I need it to add the mentions as well, so that you can reply to a person more easily, instead of just the thread.

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@prologic@twtxt.net Yeah, good point. I will see if I can selfhost it in a good way, I’ll think about it for the next days, I’ll also create a subdomain on my website where I can put some info and git links and what not, nice to have a info page to link back to from the application.

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