Giving paper notebooks another try. I love paper notebooks. The problem is that I’m very chaotic writing my ideas. I prefer vellum to write my stuff. It lasts longer. 😂 For improved longevity you should consider carving in steel or stone. This also has the additional benefit that you think more carefully before actually noting it down. woah! Why didn’t I think of that?! “/me chisels this for the record in a crispy, brand new, thin granite slab.” no, no stupid at all. I just don’t like more things laying around, collecting dust. I am 100% digital. I’m all in on paper. In fact I noted down a todo item today on a physical sheet of paper when I was on the phone with a workmate. It then occurred to me that I could have just written it in a scratch file.
The parchment, on the other hand, might be a bit wasteful for just temporary ideas that are not perfectly layed out yet. wrote:
“The parchment, on the other hand, might be a bit wasteful for just temporary ideas that are not perfectly layed out yet.”
OK, OK, I will use the cheap one. :-P