Righto, @eapl.me@eapl.me, ta for the writeup. Here we go. :-)

Metadata on individual twts are too much for me. I do like the simplicity of the current spec. But I understand where you’re coming from.

Numbering twts in a feed is basically the attempt of generating message IDs. It’s an interesting idea, but I reckon it is not even needed. I’d simply use location based addressing (feed URL + ‘#’ + timestamp) instead of content addressing. If one really wanted to, one could hash the feed URL and timestamp, but the raw form would actually improve disoverability and would not even require a richer client. But the majority of twtxt users in the last poll wanted to stick with content addressing.

yarnd actually sends If-Modified-Since request headers. Not only can I observe heaps of 304 responses for yarnds in my access log, but in Cache.FetchFeeds(…) we can actually see If-Modified-Since being deployed when the feed has been retrieved with a Last-Modified response header before: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/src/commit/98eee5124ae425deb825fb5f8788a0773ec5bdd0/internal/cache.go#L1278

Turns out etags with If-None-Match are only supported when yarnd serves avatars (https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/src/commit/98eee5124ae425deb825fb5f8788a0773ec5bdd0/internal/handlers.go#L158) and media uploads (https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/src/commit/98eee5124ae425deb825fb5f8788a0773ec5bdd0/internal/media_handlers.go#L71). However, it ignores possible etags when fetching feeds.

I don’t understand how the discovery URLs should work to replace the User-Agent header in HTTP(S) requests. Do you mind to elaborate?

Different protocols are basically just a client thing.

I reckon it’s best to just avoid mixing several languages in one feed in the first place. Personally, I find it okay to occasionally write messages in other languages, but if that happens on a more regularly basis, I’d definitely create a different feed for other languages.

Isn’t the emoji thing “just” a client feature? So, feed do not even have to state any emojis. As a user I’d configure my client to use a certain symbol for feed ABC. Currently, I can do a similar thing in tt where I assign colors to feeds. On the other hand, what if a user wants to control what symbol should be displayed, similar to the feed’s nick? Hmm. But still, my terminal font doesn’t even render most of emojis. So, Unicode boxes everywhere. This makes me think it should actually be a only client feature.

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@eapl.me@eapl.me Just responding to some of your specific ideations here:

Sure! From my research, Gemini (and likely Gopher as well) don’t have a similar header, so if a client is using those protocols, they won’t be able to inform your server.

So, it’s worth considering, would twtxt 2.0 only support HTTP/S?

I’m not sure how to standardize “Discovery” across different protocols for serving feeds, HTTP, Gopher, Gemini, etc. beyond what you initially suggested. But here’s the thing, the User-Agent HTTP Header isn’t the only aspect to “discovery”. Discovery in practise is more of an organic property of @-mentions across feeds in the first place, something that crawlers take advantage of.

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@eapl.me@eapl.me Regarding supporting languages:

That said, coming from platforms like X and Masto, where switching languages is easy, I naturally read content and write into my timeline in at least three languages. Changing my “account” is not a simple as switching languages, and in those platforms have another meaning (“I’m a different person”). Supporting that would be beneficial for some, though I’m not sure how many would use it.

I think this is more of a client concern in my opinion. Like @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org said earlier though, sometimes he and @movq@www.uninformativ.de “Twt” in German. I don’t (nor anyone else I’m aware of) have a problem with this. It seems to be that a “client” could detect this and deal with this appropriately or give a user appropriately controls.

For me (_personally__ I’ve never found it a problem. I use extensions like “Simple Translate” anyway, so it doesn’t matter a great deal to me.

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@eapl.me@eapl.me here are my replies (somewhat similar to Lyse’s and James’)

  1. Metadata in twts: Key=value is too complicated for non-hackers and hard to write by hand. So if there is a need then we should just use #NSFS or the alt-text file in markdown image syntax ![NSFW](url.to/image.jpg) if something is NSFW

  2. IDs besides datetime. When you edit a twt then you should preserve the datetime if location-based addressing should have any advantages over content-based addressing. If you change the timestamp the its a new post. Just like any other blog cms.

  3. Caching, Yes all good ideas, but that is more a task for the clients not the serving of the twtxt.txt files.

  4. Discovery: User-agent for discovery can become better. I’m working on a wrapper script in PHP, so you don’t need to go to Apaches log-files to see who fetches your feed. But for other Gemini and gopher you need to relay on something else. That could be using my webmentions for twtxt suggestion, or simply defining an email metadata field for letting a person know you follow their feed. Interesting read about why WebMetions might be a bad idea. Twtxt being much simple that a full featured IndieWeb sites, then a lot of the concerns does not apply here. But that’s the issue with any open inbox. This is hard to solve without some form of (centralized or community) spam moderation.

  5. Support more protocols besides http/s. Yes why not, if we can make clients that merge or diffident between the same feed server by multiples URLs

  6. Languages: If the need is big then make a separate feed. I don’t mind seeing stuff in other langues as it is low. You got translating tool if you need to know whats going on. And again when there is a need for easier switching between posting to several feeds, then it’s about building clients with a UI that makes it easy. No something that should takes up space in the format/protocol.

  7. Emojis: I’m not sure what this is about. Do you want to use emojis as avatar in CLI clients or it just about rendering emojis?

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