Dear native english speakers, I keep hearing this ad on
The what foundation? 🤨 Collotrary? Connotrary? I don’t understand what this dude is saying and this keeps bugging me. 😅
Dear native english speakers, I keep hearing this ad on
The what foundation? 🤨 Collotrary? Connotrary? I don’t understand what this dude is saying and this keeps bugging me. 😅 not a clue, but YouTube took me to De-Konstrukt’s Foundations
I have no idea what that means… Deconstructing music 🎵?
He says “The college ready foundation send messages of support to all college ready foundation stations all around the world.”
It is a very odd message of support to themselves. But OK.
@xuu 😵 after reading it sounds too obvious…
No idea what a college ready foundation is, tho. Is perhaps this one?