! U2FsdGVkX1/RU/NkTLRBrZGuZMaeIOoVkh7mBigVC/58DW80tKrwx1L3UCj0qWj8dvRU5/uwVh32ujJUr+O8ug==
@xuu So we probably need a way to ignore/hide these hmmm? 🤔
$ bat https://twtxt.net/twt/vnr6wza | jq '.text'
"!<andros https://twtxt.andros.dev> U2FsdGVkX1/RU/NkTLRBrZGuZMaeIOoVkh7mBigVC/58DW80tKrwx1L3UCj0qWj8dvRU5/uwVh32ujJUr+O8ug=="
Ones that are not targeted at us? i.e: not my Twter URI.
huh. i suppose. So they came up with mentioning with a bang? i think we parse them as something that i guess we can check for in the AST
oh dang.. i thought i had parsing for !tag from back when someone was using it for his wiki pages.
i guess i left it out. though shouldnt be to hard to add it back in
@xuu Let’s add it in and we’ll amend yarnd to partially (for now) implement the DM ext.
Oh my god! How cool 😍! When I have my implementation, you and I will talk 🤫
This message has made me very excited 😋