On creating your own ‘Internet’
YouTube - It’s time to build our own Internet
I guess this is only important in third and second world countries. When you are traveling to remote places, and can’t be permanently connected for, we say, 15 bucks a month.
@eaplmx@twtxt.net scuttlebutt is very cool indeed
@darch@neotxt.dk indeed!
The term "Scuttlebutt" comes from the original water-cooler gossip, and has nautical roots. Unlike most data protocols, Scuttlebutt does not work on the assumption of constant connectivity and centralized services: Data is stored locally, and synchronized between contacts (or friends, to use the social network terminology). Data is also encrypted, hence Scuttlebutt is also referred to as SSB, or Secure Scuttlebutt.
@eaplmx@twtxt.net a more recent talk: Decentralized Social Media: Can Peer-to-Peer Lead to Less Toxic Online Platforms? - YouTube
@darch@neotxt.dk look like a long but interesting video, thanks for sharing