Microsoft Outage Hits Users Worldwide, Leading To Canceled Flights
Microsoft grappled with a major service outage, leaving users across the world unable to access its cloud computing platforms and causing airlines to cancel flights. From a report: Thousands of users across the world reported problems with Microsoft 365 apps and services to, a website that tracks service disruptions. “We’re inve … ⌘ Read more

⤋ Read More Haha, didn’t affect me or my direct workmates either. But our scrummie logged off with BSOD and another workmate also told me to have already experienced three with successful reboots, though. Another branch was completely offline and I heard rumors about factories being shut down, too.

Anyone who reads the CrowdStrike self-description and then buys the product has really earned a major fault.

This is exactly what’s going to happen, movq. Zero lessons learned. No consequences. Maybe just a bit more snake oil on top.

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Anyone who reads the CrowdStrike self-description and then buys the product has really earned a major fault.

The nasty thing is: Sysadmins don’t decide this, do they? The management does. And they don’t have to clean up this bloody fucking mess.

All the fellow sysadmins who were hit by this have my sympathies. 😂

⤋ Read More This outage did affect me, though not much, via the university where my wife teaches and where I teach sometimes. They actually sent out an alert in their emergency alert system (the one they use to alert people of extreme weather events and bomb threats, mostly), telling people that all IT systems were down.

A friend of mine elsewhere pointed out that they pushed this change on a Friday, which of course no software developer with any experience would ever, ever, ever do. I have to assume there’s some toxic management at CrowdStrike, but who knows. Even more reasons to sympathize with the poor folks who are probably going to be working nights and weekends to clean up this mess.

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I havnt seen any emails about the outage at work. I know i have the mac crowdstrike client though. My buddy that works at a hospital says they wernt affected.

⤋ Read More Just look at their website. Yesterday, there was this quote, it’s already gone by now:

Cybersecurity’s AI-native platform for the XDR era

Mo-mo-mo-monster bingo!

Someone archived this screnshot, that I’ve also seen yesterday: „Your company can be ruined in just 62 minutes“ Luckily, ClownStrike can shorten this timeframe even more. :-D I hope all admins can at least tell management: Told you so! But of course, no manager gets fired for their bloody stupid decision.

@xuu We got several e-mails about this whole desaster at work.

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