Success! 🥳 is now off (temporarily for now) Clownflare! 🤣 what this refers about? What did you do? OP didn’t explain it well enough? 🤔
I’m pretty happy with my Clownflare replacement solution. I’m going to start progressively migrating off Cloudflare soon™, but first i need to take what I’ve built and commoditized it into something that that’s reusable and easily usable by others. This likely means Packer image and Terraform module. Once that’s done I’ll think about how to build a half decent wAF (Web Application Firewall) and some kind of a Web Interface (for adminstration).
Features right now:
- HTTP Reverse Proxy
- SSH Reverse Proxy
- Let’s Encrypt
The PoC I have stood up is costing my a $6/month VM in Vultr sitting in front of my infra over a (outbound) Wireguard tunnel.