@bender@twtxt.net Messages (formally known as iMessages) has always lacked e2e encryption though and often falls back to using SMS which is worse for security and privacy. – OTOH this might be all changing for the better with Google lounging for a new standard? 🤔 (Although I do have to wonder: “What’s in it for Google?”)

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@prologic@twtxt.net Messages are [e2e encrypted](https://www.apple.com/privacy/features/#:~:text=End%2Dto%2Dend%20encryption%20protects%20your%20iMessage%20and%20FaceTime,they%20can’t%20be%20accessed%20without%20your%20passcode.). SMS/MMS are not, but that’s not Apple’s fault. You can configure it, so it doesn’t fall back to SMS/MMS if that’s what you want.

Apple isn’t implementing RCS because of Google (which, arguably, doesn’t even support it). 😂

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The end-to-end encryption means very little if you have your messages backed up in iCloud because the encryption keys are also stored with the messages in iCloud according to this FBI document. If that’s the case, Apple can definitely read your messages as well as (obviously) any government agency who can make a legal request to Apple.

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