I witnessed absolutely crazy summer lightning before I went to bed. The sky flashed constantly, about every three seconds and then several times a second. It was a really nice natural spectacle to watch. :-) Very rare to exerience such a heavy one. My cam was too shitty, though. All photos and videos turned out just totally black.

When I woke up at 5am, I had a quick look in the Northern sky and saw a tiny shooting star. I then happily went back to bed. :-)

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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org we had a huge thunder/lighning storm last night here too. Kids got really scared (it struck something very close here), and the dog panicked (he opened all doors and would only sleep in kitchen). We woke up around 2 at night from it. But kids luckily fell a sleep again.

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@stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no The sky lighted up, but the thunderstorm was far away. Even though it was dead silent in the neighborhood, I could hardly make out the super quiet thunder roaring in the distance.

Oh I bet, nearly getting hit by lightning is very frightening.

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