Does anyone know what the differences between HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are? 🤔 Off the top of my head, I don’t know the differences between 1.1 and 2 but I know HTTP/3 is the one that uses QUIC.
HTTP/2 differs from 1.x by becoming a binary protocol, it also multiplexes multiple channels over the same connection and has the ability to prefetch related content to the browser to lower the perceived latency.
HTTP/3 moves the binary protocol from HTTP/2 over to QUIC which is based on UDP instead of TCP. This makes it better suited to mobile or unstable networks where handling of transmission errors can be handled at a higher level. That’s my basic understanding too after doing the research.
Do you think yhere’d be any noticeable tangible benefits observed for self hosting? 🤔
from my understanding.. i don’t know how the multiplexing works when its being proxied through another server. I know go has support for it if you call it out directly.
for http3 there is Yeah I can see QUIC being a bit “snappier” especially on mobile networks. That’s a 404 🤣 – Also wouldn’t my ingress into my cluster (Traefik) have to support HTTP/3 (QUIC) too? 🤔 How does this even work in practice hmmm🤔
oh dang. i think thats the go path not the github path.. missing the branch name. here is the pkg one: