Thinking about what to do for the next Advent of Code. 🤔

Writing the solutions as DOS programs in C was super fun last year and I don’t think I can top that. 💾

Something in the realm of retrocomputing would be nice. I wonder how far I can get using QuickBASIC 4.5. Haven’t touched this in ages – but I have a feeling that this could be rather painful. 😂

Or maybe I’ll just go for Rust again, because I’m not using that a lot and keeping up with it could be useful. Or maybe a mix of both, “as many puzzles as possible with QB 4.5, Rust for the rest”. 🤔

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Isn’t Advent of Code during Saturnalia? Like, 6 months from now? 😂😂😂 My kid would tell me, “Touch grass, dude!” 😂

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Another idea for the upcoming Advent Of Code 2024:

OS/2 Warp 4 came with Java and that not only meant a runtime but a JDK including API docs. So, for AoC, I could try to solve as many puzzles as I can in that environment, directly on my old Pentium. For later puzzles, I’ll definitely want to switch to my normal workstation for faster development cycles – but I can still use Java and try to backport the solutions.

Sounds interesting. 🤔

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