@kaniyama_t@yarn.takuma-csirt.com Hello! 👋 Your English is just fine, sorry I do not know how to write Japanese 😅 – Can I try to understand… Are you trying to create a pod that cannot interact with any other pods or twtxt feeds? Did I understand that correctly?

No you’re not poisoning anything, you are all good 👌

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@kaniyama_t@yarn.takuma-csirt.com So, if you want to have a more “private” pod, I think the best way to do this right now is:

  • Block all feeds (Settings -> Poderator Settings -> Blocked Feeds) and used .* as the only pattern / regular expression.
  • Show “Local Only” posts for Discover (Settings -> Poderator Settings)

See example screenshot here:


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You are right, you can’t really block access to the twtxt.txt (feed) itself, that’s kind of how it works. But you can basically just create an “isolated” pod if that makes sense? – You _could also put a reverse proxy in front of your pod with a password. Highly recommend Authelia for this 👌

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@kaniyama_t@yarn.takuma-csirt.com I guess the thing to remember is that Twtxt (which Yarn.social is built on top of) was/is design to be open and transparent.

That doesn’t mean you can’t build a “closed system”, and my suggestions for doing so would probably work.

My only ask (please 🙏) is that any ideas ir improvements you have that you try (as best you can) to contribute them back to the small (but growing) community. For example the Youtube embedding you guys did, there are folks on others pods that would love 😍 to see/use that! 👌

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