@andros@twtxt.andros.dev I have really tried to get behind it. For an implementation for my TwtxtReader (PHP) I simply lack the knowledge of the standard-openssl parameters.
All my solution approaches require “nonce” or “initialization vector” on one or the other side. In addition, the “magic numbers” (“Salted__”) were not consistent in my tests.

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@arne@uplegger.eu Well, just for my understanding. The command:
echo "Lorem ipsum" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -out message.enc -pass file:shared_key.bin
will take the input string from echo to openssl. It then will

  1. use the content of shared_key.bin as password
  2. use PBKDF2 with an iteration of 100000 to generate a encryption key from the given password (shared_key.bin)
  3. use the PBKDF2 generated key for an aes-256-cbc encryption

The final result is encrypted data with the prepended salt (which was generated by runtime), e.g.: Salted__q�;��-�T���"h%��5�� ....

With a dummy script I now can generate a valide shared key within PHP ‘openssl_pkey_derive()’ - identical to OpenSSL.
I also can en-/decrypt salted data within my script, but not with OpenSSL. There are several parameters of PBKDF2 unknown to me.


  1. Is the salt, used by aes-256-cbc and PBKDF2 the same, prepended in the encrypted data?
  2. Witch algorithm/cipher is used within PBKDF2: sha1, sha256, …?
  3. What is the desired key length of PBKDF2 (https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-pbkdf2.php)?

To be continued …

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