
Recent twts in reply to #oavg3qq

I knocked over the camera that I have sitting in a window for making time lapses. 🀦 Had to reposition it from scratch.

In an effort to minimize the difference, I ran this in a loop while adjusting the position:

ssh picam make-shot
scp picam:/tmp/shot.jpg .
convert base-shot.jpg \( shot.jpg -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 50% \) -layers merge out.jpg
nsxiv out.jpg

It uses ImageMagick to overlay a shot over a known-good base image. I got pretty close:


Won’t be noticable in the final video. (There was a much larger shift in January. πŸ™„)

I also noticed that I forgot to open the shutter on one day last month, so one of the shots looks like this:



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@movq@www.uninformativ.de This is just cool how you recalibrated! I also doubt that fiddling around with the remaining left to right tilt is worth the effort at the end. Looking forward to see the project completed. You could use the shutter photo on the opening scene. Maybe take a few more in different positions to simulate an opening theater curtain. ;-)

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