Took today off work. My workplace has a special form of leave called β€œMy Day” that you can take in addition to your usual Annual leave. So nice! 😊 I’m using one of them today to take advantage of the long weekend coming up (Australia Day). Planning on making repairs to one of my Hypervisor nodes that is currently down and powered off for repairs. The SATA DOM (Disk on Module) boot disk is kind of dead and the controller refusing to take any new writes. It’s about ~5 years old 🀣

Plan is to take the machine out of the Rack, place it on my office desk to open it up. Plug in a new 2nd SATA DOM on another SAtA cable. Boot it back up with a Linux Rescue bootable ISO and do a dd of the old to the new. Then swap β€˜em around and hope 🀞 for the best πŸ˜…

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