I’m done with the “smallening” for now.

I thought it’d be interesting to remake an older pixelart, that was way too “inspired” by Difros (https://difro.carrd.co/) work, to match with one of my friends profile picture at the time drawn by Difro.

Now I wanted to return to it and try making all the changes I regretted not making back than and in general make it more than a somewhat edited copy of someone elses work.

*They still look somewhat similar, because some changes were already made in the first edit from 2021. It was never just a re-color of someone elses art.

The original:


The new one:


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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Yeah, I scaled the eye down a bit and probably prefer this style of smaller, mostly black eyes too, which is why I use them in almost everything I draw.

I still think the other style might look better in some cases, like when Difro, the artist on the site I linked uses those eyes, because they always animate their art and need eyes that blink. For these animations, the bigger eyes just work better.

I also like the hint of color they have, because I always wanted to give my inigamis eyes a hint of blue, to make him a little different from other shiba colored four leged inugamies. I know - probably not necessary, as he’s already rather specific, but it’s also a bit of a reference to an old slavic/pegan god Chors, who was in some videogames depicted as having glowing blue eyes.

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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I never studied any kind of biology, other than the basics taught at primary school, so I’m probably not the most qualified person to answer this.

I know some dogs have blue eyes, I think it’s usually light blue and according to the first few Google results, the probability also depends a lot on the breed.

Inugamies are a fictional race, so there’s obviously no biological answer there, just the observation that they are drawn with big black eyes like mine has, in anime.

I actually have blue eyes in real life, but unlike most, if not all blue eyed canines, mine are dark to the point of almost not being blue.

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