@prologic@twtxt.net What are the logic behind having checkboxes for a list of ones lists? Why would you want to add them together again after you split them up?

EDIT: Aha it for adding a feed to a list. cleaver 😎
So it would be a feature next the the follow-button maybe

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@justamoment@twtxt.net Hmmm… Think the other way around… You follow a few hundred feeds, some of them news, some friends/colleagues, maybe some family, maybe some small number are interesting stuff you just don’t want to miss. What do you do? 🤔 – I don’t think anyone that publishes a feed, whether personal, automated, interest topic or otherwise needs to do anything…

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I have summarized what is needed to implement lists a feature in yarn and maybe other clients too. I it broken in to steps where we need to work out step 1 (backend and data storage) before we can start to implement the UI (step 2-5): #937 - Categorisation of feeds/users - aka. “Lists” - yarn - Mills

@prologic@twtxt.net and other, when we got a way to store the data about list for each user and functions to view and edit them, I will continue working on the UI:)

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