Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect. I also see repeated Lyse twtxts, and I can’t even mention him on this twtxt. When I type @Lyse
the pop up shows up, but when I tap on it, it just autocompletes as @lyse@
, nothing else.
I am on mobile.
Hmm like
Yeah okay I can reproduce that weird auto-complete bug Shy are those seem like dupes with different hashes?
Hm mm these are identical in content:
$ diff -Ndru <(bat | jq -r '.text') <(bat | jq -r '.text') | wc -l
What da actual fuq?! They have the same timestamp too!
$ bat | jq '.created'
$ bat | jq '.created'
And the same Twter (URI) (ahh auto-complete is broken only on Mobile?) is our hashing reached a point where it’s broken and needs to be dumped? 🤔
Yeah, this looks like a hash collision to me right? Same twt, same timestamp, same twter, produces two different hashes? I’m not even sure how da fuq this is even possible?
$ diff <(bat | jq '.') <(bat | jq '.')
< "hash": "7hraijq",
> "hash": "ta6uu5q",
In fact I cannot produce eitehr of these hashes:
$ pbpaste | ./yarnc hash -u -t 2024-08-03T19:30:00+02:00 -
What da fuq?!
$ bat | jq -r '.text' | ./yarnc hash -u -t 2024-08-03T19:30:00+02:00 -
bsormva / / any ideas wut da fuq is going on here?! 🤣
Computers aren’t meant to give me three different answers 🤣
A equivalent yarnc debug <url>
only sees the 2nd hash
That is this one:
ta6uu5q 2024-08-03T19:30:00+02:00 (#puxvjcq) Hmmm, what is going on here? ...
is not a hash found in ’s feed at all according to yarnc debug
which is printing the hash and corresponding Twt per line.
I can’t explain this. I’m leaning towards a peering pod being responsible for producing a different hash, and pulling that in from a peer. But that would only happen if my pod doesn’t have the Root Twt ans asked its peers for it. And that implies other pods are producing incorrect/different hashes “somehow”. So all of that seems highly unlikely tbh.
I don’t think I’m smart enough to figure this out 😅 ah, fuck it, don’t worry. I consider one the original (I flip a coin to pick which), and the other’s a backup, just in case. 😂 LOL 🤣