
Recent twts in reply to #h33mwya

As with the example of the gun, designed to kill people, vs the knife to cook, that could be used to kill someone. Money is not moral, but the monetary systems are. That’s the tricky part.

As a scientist, I always have to remind: “Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
That’s where ‘good’ intentions like Google with the “don’t be evil” motto, suddenly, get evil. A search engine is cool. A whole company designed to sell users’ data, not so much. The same thing with anything to store value, it’s tightly connected with power, and that may show the worst part of humans.

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@eaplmx@twtxt.net Agreed. One of the reasons why Yarn.social (the software yarnd) deliberately by design excludes a lot of features that you would otherwise find on platforms like REddit, Twitter, whatever and so on… We/I (I guess I still try to be the captain here? 🤔) go out of our way to ensure that any change or new idea (or even old ones) can’t be abused to prop one person up over another, or artificially promite one set of ideas over another, or sell user data, behaviour or metadata, etc, etc.

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