I’m rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn’t see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Oh no. 🥴 What kind of telescope have you got?
@movq@www.uninformativ.de It’s an old, cheap Optus without any model information on it. It was maybe 180DM or so in a discounter 25, 30 years ago. Its main job is to collect dust, can’t even remember its last use. That must have been easily 15 years ago I reckon. Thus, absolutely no surprise. Maybe I’ll just take it apart and see what I can see as the week progresses.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I see. 🤔 Does it say anything about the magnification factor?
Speaking about telescopes, I have a feeling that a modern medium-priced telescope could be really great. I mean, if I can see Saturn’s rings with my bird scope, I would expect a good-ish telescope to be pretty great these days. 🤔
@movq@www.uninformativ.de It says F=700, D=70 and RK=20. I have to research what magnification that translates to, a few days have passed since physics class. Your Celestron Ultima 100 looks much more high quality than this thing.