How did I just find this program? Reptyr: Reparent a running program to a new terminal: I am testing some of the ntfsprogs with the ntfs3 driver on a drive with unimportant data to make sure they can reasonably be expected to do their jobs. Yesterday evening, I started ntfsresize while SSHed from my laptop right before I realized I needed to go somewhere, with my laptop. Usually, I’m pretty good at starting a tmux session before doing something like that, but reptyr saved me and all the data is intact, which is very cool.
It’s also an opportunity to mess with btrfs, which I hear is also very cool.
I like how you can just toss out partitions and not have to worry about sizing them right.
I like how you can just toss out partitions and not have to worry about sizing them right.
@xuu As it turns out, btrfs is very cool. I’ve always used one big root partition, but getting the advantages of root+home partitions with no downside is just one reason why I’ll probably use btrfs on my next OS install. It could be a while, I’m a little sentimental about this one on ext4.
$ head -n 1 /var/log/pacman.log
[2021-08-15T21:36:08+0000] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -r /mnt -Sy --cachedir=/mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg --noconfirm base linux linux-firmware networkmanager nm-applet i3wm base-devel vim'
An update on the NTFS situation: I got a reproducible ntfs3-related kernel panic on my server just by reading every file with md5sum on the NTFS I actually want to back up with ntfsclone. It very well could have been related to mounting it partition read-only or using a USB to SATA adapter. I’ll try it again another time, probably on a machine that isn’t doing anything else important. I don’t know if I finally encountered the instability they talk about on Arch or if the ntfs3 driver just isn’t there yet. ntfs-3g has been okay for reads in my experience, but I’ve had issues writing.