I am stuck at home recovering from surgery and getting bored. does anyone have any YouTube channel recommendations?
Fantastic videos for games and game dev that talk and analyze experience, interaction and psychology of players, also great for gamification projects.
@kt84@twtxt.net City Planner Plays is a real urban planner that plays city building games using real-life concepts, teaching the viewers about them along the way. It’s very addictive, and educational too.
I would recommend starting at the beginning of one of the cities (the videos are organized in YouTube playlists). Verde Beach is my personal favorite, but you can take your pick. It’s extremely gratifying to watch a city grow from the ground up.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org thanks for these! surprisingly I have actually already seen a couple of these! I love the primitive builders. also I am fascinated by snow camping?!? hot tents, cars etc. I think because it’s so far removed from what we have here!