@movq@www.uninformativ.de @prologic@twtxt.net @aelaraji@aelaraji.com , yeah, I have one. First one I bought was the first oculus on kickstarter. Then facebook delivered their first (after they bought oculus) on my doorstep for free (since I backed the first oculus on kickstarter). I use it a lot, especially for Xplane (flight sim) and Elite: Dangerous etc. It’s not one of those quest standalone VR headsets I have, it’s the one you hook up to a computer.

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@movq@www.uninformativ.de There are drivers and such for linux as well. I also think it works fine with steamVR on linux (But currently my main computer for gaming is running windows) so I have not tested VR on linux yet. I am planning on installing linux on that machine when I get a extra disk for it soon. (I run linux on all other laptops I have, but those are not good enough for VR stuff).

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