On Acronyms… I was going to write a blog post on this, but decided I wouldn’t, a Twt is enough, and who knows maybe it’ll spark a Yarn 😅

Our industry (the tech / information technology / software / whatever) really sucks at communicating. Especially when it comes to speaking and writing in “acronyms”. God damnit, just stop it already 🤦‍♂️ Every time you start a new job anywhere, you have to learn a whole bunch of new 3-letter and 4-letter “words” and have to ask dumb questions like:

Umm sorry, dumb question, wtf does XYZ mean?!

Eventually you get used to the new lingo, sure, but that’s not the point. Why are we in tech so fucking lazy that we feel the need to speak (yes speak!) and write in 3-letter/4-letter “words”? Its almost as bad as these young whipper snappers (millennials? 🤔) exclaiming “LOLz” out-loud as if “Laughing out loud” suddenly got into the Oxford dictionary as a valid word you could speak! 😳 </rant>

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@prologic@twtxt.net and not only in engineering.

Today I had a surprise conference from the National Electoral Institute and the presentation was full or Acronyms. Tha target was students which obviously don’t know what a GTFO is… 🙄

I think companies use them as a Branding. Instead of the Deployment process use OSDEAIDS, a.k.a. Our Super Duper Extreme And Improved Deployment System.

I know they save time, but have a deep learning curve 📈

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@prologic@twtxt.net The worst that happened to me, other than having to remember what they means internally, is like recently when my company worked on a joint project with other two with a newbie manager handling everything, it was hell as nobody knew their specific acronyms and also messed up a couple of tasks altogether because of that.

They should be banned in general, they just hinder productivity and human comprehension.

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