I really don’t understand why I’m getting such a hard time from y’all over my choice of database(s) and data storage/retrieval solutions in general 😢 Why? 🤔

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Anyway, even if I did, which I’m sure I did, it wasn’t intention to say that I hate all SQL database outright, but rather my inner rage in this case comes from developers far too often reaching for that shiny *SQL database (doesn’t really matter what it is), only to discover when you go looking under the covers at the source code and what data is being stored, accessed and manipulated, it could. have been done with a simple embedded KV store or even a SQLite database. But no, instead, you have to worry about this extra component 🤦‍♂️

As a big proponent of self-hosting, I find this an anti-pattern.

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Like, check it out. That link to DRY? It doesn’t render as a link in the webapp. However, it does render as a link, and works fine, in Goryon. I’ve seen before that Markdown tables render fine in Goryon but not in the webapp. They ought to behave as similarly as possible, right? So just in this small interaction there are three discrepancies between how the mobile app and webapp render Markdown.

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