Could be setup to send Webmention to the original site when replying to a post? Hmmmtjats some indirection there 🤔 Can I ask why? 🙏 to work as a bridge the the indieweb world. What do you mean by indirection? Hmmm I’m not sure it would really have that effect to be honest 🤔 – And by “indirection” I meant that, you would make a Twt replying to an automated feed (whose source is from somewhere else), a webmention would be sent to that feed service, the feed service would receive the webmention, figure out the source of the feed and forward the webmention to the original source.
Hmmm 🤔
Yes that make sense in regard to indirection. Yeah, so I’m not entirely convince it would really buy us much value… 🤔 I’ll sleep on it 😅