I just heard AC/DC play live in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt for the first time in my life!

Well, when I was waiting for my train home on the station platform. I didn’t recognize that it was Acca Dacca, and I tried hard. In fact, the stage was 500 meters away, so it was just some music-like sound that found its way into my ears. Still kinda cool to know that I heard them live.

I had a barbie with my old workmates. That’s why I have a story to tell now. On the way there, the train was hopelessly overcrowded with AC/DC fans. You couldn’t fall down, simply impossible. It was like in the videos of Japanese subways, where guards press in passengers to utilize every square centimeter. At later stations, plenty of people didn’t get in. Not a chance. This caused quite some delays. And boy, was it hot in there. Streams of sweat running down everywhere.

Originally, I wanted to meet up with a workmate in a city train for the second part of the trip. Due to a signal failure, his train was delayed, though. It got delayed even more and more and was finally cancelled altogether. I eventually got my connecting train while he was still stuck and decided to abort mission and go home after 40 minutes. Catching my connection was another adventure. It was rerouted to another platform, of course without announcement. Because why would you? Fuck the passengers! Luckily, I noticed that it took a different branch at the switch on arrival and ran down and up the stairs to the other platform. The delay counter in this train showed 40 minutes when I finally got off.

With the exception of Acca Dacca, the way home was pleasantly uneventful. Just a few minutes delay and a relatively low passenger volume.

I’m so grateful for not having to experience all this shit on a daily basis anymore. Not looking forward to the next time I have to go into the city. Not at all.

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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org You had me in the first half, I thought you were going to their concert. 😅 That would have surprised me.

I had some pleasant experiences with public transportation lately, but that wasn’t Deutsche Bahn.

Would a bike or an ebike be an alternative for you? 🤔

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@movq@www.uninformativ.de Why would that be surprising? :-) They definitely fit my style of music. Well, I don’t wanna know how much a ticket is. And the Wasen is also a terrible location. :-D

The overcrowded train was run by GoAhead, the S-Bahn by DB. They’re interchangeably bad.

Over fifty kilometers is a very long bike ride. That at least doubles my commute to more than six hours in total. No, thanks. ;-)

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