It cooled off to 20°C today, but mid week is supposed to be crazy hot again. It was a nice walk, also plenty of people around, though. So we decided against going up our backyard mountain to avoid the masses. We finally took a path that we haven’t checked out for years. That was pretty cool. I couldn’t remember anything on that.

Garden with sunflowers in the background

Garden with sunflowers in the background

More scenery:

Neither of us has ever seen such a marmelade bun mushroom:

Marmelade bun in the woods, ah, no, it's a mushroom

Marmelade bun in the woods, ah, no, it's a mushroom

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It’s funny that you mention it, too. We also were quite surprised that it was incredibly quiet in nature. Not just no man-made noise (we obviously avoided the crowds), not even in the distance, but also hardly any birds. We joked they’re still exhausted from the heat of the days before and still resting.

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