News mkws
web site! What usage page? There’s also this one! Don’t forget to give zs a try 😆 What do you mean by creating entries on the go? How does this work? Curious mostly to see what features zs might be missing 😅 That’s easy! Add a microPub endpoint and use a mobile client 👌 I’ll build something here I think for static websites 👌 Make it as easy as possible 🤞 how do you do that? sounds interesting. My design so far would be to build a simple microPub service that you can run alongside your static site (for example built with zs demo) that takes your post and runs some hooks in receipt. A hook here could take the post, convert it to a Markdown file, Git commit, Git push and rebuild the site.
Something like what this thing does:
I suppose I can fork this and modify it to be a bit more generic 🤔