I’ve been thinking of how to notify someone else that you’ve replied to their twts.

Is there something already developed, for example on yarn.social?

Let’s say I want to notify https://sour.is/tiktok/America/Denver.txt that I’ve replied to some twt. They don’t follow me back, so they won’t see my reply.

I would send my URL to, could be, https://sour.is/tiktok/replies?url=MY_URL and they’ll check that I have a reply to some of their twts, and could decide to follow me back (after seeing my twtxt profile to avoid spam)

Another option could be having a metadata like
follow-request=https://sour.is/tiktok/America/Denver.txt TIMESTAMP_IN_SECONDS
that the other client has to look for, to ensure that the request comes from that URL (again, to avoid spam)
This could be deleted after the other .txt has your URL in the follow list, or auto-expire after X days to clean-up old requests.

What do you think?

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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I’m also on the e-mail wagon here. On http://darch.dk/timeline/conv/oe3howa I have added a “Comment via email” botten if uses are not logged in. This feature could be extend to other places in the various UIs. Like we already got the “Does not follow your” / “Follow you” on the profile page in yarnd, so this detection could be used to sugget the user to email that person, when mentioning them.

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