Two mates and I went on a 25km hike yesterday to the Wasserberg (lit. Water Mountain) and Fuchseck (lit. Fox Corner) on the edge of the Swabian Alb. They arrived by train and of course it was delayed by half an hour, “due to limited availability of tracks”. That was a first one, I never heard that reason before. Another train had a breakdown in a train station and later my mates’ train had to be rebooted, too. That restart alone took 10 minutes. O_o Software problem, it can’t be helped.

It rained the whole day before, so a lot of foot paths had turned into small creeks. Also, the mud levels were much higher than usual. We also took one or the other shortcut which were even messier. And also reeaalllly steep (see 07 and 08). It didn’t help that my guiding abilities also sucked a bit and I took the wrong turn twice. Oh well, we just explored new paths I’ve never been on. That’s a win in my book. :-)

After a rest at the Wasserberghaus with a Spezi, we then decided to also visit the Fuchseck, since we’re just around the corner. It took a bit longer that I remembered and after enyoing the view and eating homemade waffles with apple sauce, we then made our way home.

About 100 meters in front of the train station it began to rain. The thunderstorm caught up on us. We just made it in time, a couple of minutes later, the train was supposed to show up. I quickly walked home and was a bit soaked when I unlocked the front door.

It was great fun, it was a nice stroll for me, my mates were absolutely exhausted. Well, I admit, my feet hurt, too. :-)

Here’s a nice view on the Three Emperor-Mountains in the distance. From left to right: Hohenstaufen, Rechberg and Stuifen, the left one is my backyard mountain:

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