@bender@twtxt.net The status of the disks and the backup jobs from Scrutiny and Healthchecks respectively. Green means everything is fine, red or orange means it needs my attention.
@mckinley@twtxt.net Is this open source and someyhing you run locally on the machine? 🤔 No Cloud?
Hmmm looks like I started the repo and previously found it “interesting” 🤔
@prologic@twtxt.net No cloud at all. Healthchecks, which does have a hosted offering, is definitely designed for more serious organizations than “McKinley Labs”. It has separate users, permissions, all kinds of crazy features I don’t need at all. I definitely wouldn’t be using it if there wasn’t a linuxserver.io image and I’d like to use something simpler but I don’t know of anything else that’s completely self hosted.
@mckinley@twtxt.net oh I see! Yeah, health checks looks like something I wouldn’t have any need to run myself or use because most of my background jobs or tasks run in my swarm cluster anyway and I don’t really have that many background or cron type jobs in the first place.
That’s scrutiny is definitely something I wanna look at running. 👌