In-reply-to » We also rented a cabin for 5 days, and did a lot of things.. Ok, good to know. So the issue is the same ‘avatar in tmp’ issue filling up the disk. I did not check the dates on the avatars there, but it worked fined earlier yesterday, and was full today, so it seems to be the same issue mentioned earlier on here. I’ll keep an eye on it. I have not updated yarnd for a while, so I run v 0.15.1.

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How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean Break? Two Sibling Scientists Found an Answer—and Shook the World
A gigantic, weather-defining current system could be headed to collapse. Peter and Susanne Ditlevsen had a simple yet controversial question: How much time might we have left to save it? ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » We also rented a cabin for 5 days, and did a lot of things.. hm, okay, not sure what to do with it though. If I remember correct - I’ve just forwarded the subdomain to yarnd’s port - and that’s it.

This is the config:

`server {

location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_redirect off;

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In-reply-to » @bender Thank you :) Yeah I've been silent for a while, been so much work and other things to focus on, but now I have vacation, so I missed this place, and wanted to bring it up to speed here as well :) I’m doing okay 👌 Busy with work as you can imagine, and still tinkering of course whenever I can spare a moment or two! 😅

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

For example this one that got fixed this year:

commit 4304ec7ea3c5df95e0ed82bfa292c9330e342f61
Author: James Mills <>
Date:   Mon Jan 24 00:10:33 2022 +0000

    Fix bug in DownloadImage() leaking termporary files for external avatar downloads (#746)

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引言 在現代 Web 開發中,CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing,跨域資源共享)是一個不可忽視的重要概念。隨着 Web 應用的日益複雜,跨域請求變得越來越普遍。然而,由於同源策略的限制,瀏覽器默認不允許跨域請求。CORS 作爲一種機制,允許服務器顯式指定哪些外部網站可以訪問其資源,從而解決了這一問題。本文將深入解析 CORS 的原理、應用及其優缺點。CORS 原 ⌘ Read more

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什麼是 LRU 緩存?LRUCache 原理詳解和 C– 代碼實現
什麼時候會用到緩存 (Cache)———————緩存(Cache)通常用於兩個速度不同的介質之間,以提高數據訪問的速度和效率。這裏有幾個典型的應用場景:處理器和內存之間:處理器(CPU)的運算速度遠快於從內存中讀取數據的速度。因此,在 CPU 和內存之間會有多級緩存(L1、L2、甚至 L3 緩存),用來臨時存儲即將被 CPU 使用的數據和指令。這樣做可以大幅減少 CPU ⌘ Read more

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Linux 一鍵配置時鐘同步全攻略
前言爲了確保 Oracle RAC 環境中的時間同步,通常會使用網絡時間協議 (NTP) 或 chrony 來同步各節點的系統時間。這可以確保所有節點都具有一致的時間,從而保證數據庫的正常運行和數據的一致性。首先要先了解下這兩種方式的區別以及優缺點,可參考紅帽官方文檔:使用 ntpd 配置 NTP: more

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使用 LLMs 來生成合成數據
作者:Kritin Vongthongsri 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀如果我告訴你,現在有可能在幾分鐘內生成數千個高質量的測試案例,這些案例你過去可能要花費數週時間精心製作,你會怎麼想?構建大規模、全面的數據集來測試 LLM 輸出可能是一個耗時、昂貴且充滿挑戰的過程,尤其是從零開始。但如果我告訴你,現在有可能在幾分鐘內生成數千個高質量的測試案例,這些案例你過去可能要花費數週 ⌘ Read more

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系統設計 - 數據同步(批量 - CDC)方案選型
公衆號:TechLead 少個分號知乎:少個分號微信號:shaogefenhao網站:shaogefenhao.com數據同步的需求在日常工作中非常頻繁,幾乎每個公司或多或少會考慮調研數據同步的方案。不過在不同的場景下,需要考慮的問題有所不同,根據這些問題,我們可以制定相應的同步策略。01 同步策略——-下面是一些分析同步策略時需要考慮的問題:同步過程是全量的還是增量的? 是同一類數 ⌘ Read more

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史上最全 Git 圖文教程,沒有之一
Git 安裝——安裝先去官網下載這個軟件, 準備安裝到本電腦中根據自己電腦系統下載此軟件到本機 Windows 系統直接下載 .exe 文件即可,macOS 系統使用 Homebrew 命令行安裝,終端輸入 git –version 確認安裝默認選擇默認安裝路徑即可,如若想更改路徑,務必使用英文路徑對於 Windows 系統,查看安裝是否成功 ⌘ Read more

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一、簡介:—–大語言模型(LLM) 擁有龐大的規模、預先訓練的知識和卓越的性能,被廣泛應用於各種任務。提示學習 (prompt learning) 和指令微調(instruction tuning) 是兩種重要的使得大模型能理解具體任務的技術手段。然而,這些 prompt 或 instruction 常常會包含隱私信息,使得難以直接共享。本文講解了兩篇大語言模型中的 prompt 和 ins ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

I also think you may be running a version that had a bug and lacked cleanup of those temp files

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

At work right now so will have more concrete details in a few hours from now

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. I will have a look but I suspect it has something to do with the open nature of the external endpoint. I closed this loophole recently due to other reasons myself.

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Auto-Populate iPhone Home Screen With Your Most Used Apps
Do you find yourself frequently scrolling through multiple Home Screen pages on your iPhone to get to the apps you access most often? If so, chances are you’ve already filled up the first page with some of your favorite apps. But what if you could automatically make all of your most-used apps appear on page one? With the Siri Suggestions widget, you can.

![]( … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. Sure, but why would this start happening all of a sudden today? Nothing like this has happened before. Is this a known bug?

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. Please update!

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. 0.15.1, looks like.

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. What revision are you running?

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. Wer that’s a bug!

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. I hope so too. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Whatever it is, it’s strange.

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So, #CrowdStrike posted a preliminary incident report, and, boy…

  1. For them, the problem is the faulty data that was fed to the driver, but not the fact that the driver should not crash when given corrupt or faulty data? One can only hope that’s just the bandaid, and the full RCA will also point out the need for enhancements on the parsing side… Surely they’ve heard of the robustness principle?

  2. They’ll fix their tests but not test the updates with the actual Falcon running on actual Windows - what could go wrong…

  3. They don’t see concurrency as a problem when clearly the “reboot 15 times” points to a non-deterministic behavior that should not be allowed.

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. that’s so weird! I wonder what in the world is causing it. Hopefully has an insight.

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Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

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In-reply-to » @abucci Oh hey! 👋

This is completely insane!

abucci@buc:/tmp$ du -sh /tmp/yarnd-avatar-*
564M    /tmp/yarnd-avatar-3024946878
7.2G    /tmp/yarnd-avatar-3122347915
11G     /tmp/yarnd-avatar-3533381443
445M    /tmp/yarnd-avatar-441914658

I’m going to have to shut down my server soon. This looks like some kind of DDoS. Whether intentional or not it’s filling up the disk at an unsustainable rate.

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In-reply-to » @abucci Oh hey! 👋

There are also a bunch of log messages scrolling by. I’ve never seen this much activity in the log:

Jul 25 01:37:39 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:39 ( "GET /external?nick=lovetocode999&uri=>
Jul 25 01:37:39 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:39 ( "GET /twt/112135496802692324 HTTP/1.1" 400 12 826.65µs
Jul 25 01:37:40 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:40 ( "GET /conv/muttriq HTTP/1.1" 200 36881 20.448309ms
Jul 25 01:37:40 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:40 ( "GET /twt/112730114943543514 HTTP/1.1" 400 12 663.493µs
Jul 25 01:37:40 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:40 ( "GET /external?nick=lovetocode999&>
Jul 25 01:37:40 yarnd[829]: time="2024-07-25T01:37:40Z" level=error msg=">
Jul 25 01:37:40 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:40 ( "GET /twt/111674756400660911 HTTP/1.1" 400 12 545.106µs
Jul 25 01:37:40 yarnd[829]: time="2024-07-25T01:37:40Z" level=warning msg="feed FetchFeedRequest: @<lovetocode999>
Jul 25 01:37:41 yarnd[829]: [yarnd] 2024/07/25 01:37:41 ( "GET /twt/112507964696096567 HTTP/1.1" 400 12 838.946µs

Something really weird is going on?

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In-reply-to » @abucci Oh hey! 👋

I deleted them all right before I sent my previous message, and already, a few minutes later, there are two more:

abucci@buc:~$ du -sh /tmp/yarnd-avatar-3*
1.8G    /tmp/yarnd-avatar-3122347915
2.4G    /tmp/yarnd-avatar-3533381443

What is this?

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In-reply-to » @abucci Oh hey! 👋 This is weird, but today, out of nowhere, yarnd filled up the disk on the VPS where I run it. It’s never done anything like this before and I have no idea why it would start. But it threw almost 700 Gbytes of data into /tmp in files like this:

yarnd-avatar-1087570772  yarnd-avatar-1599127133  yarnd-avatar-2042956376  yarnd-avatar-2562946212  yarnd-avatar-3274766535  yarnd-avatar-3931929859  yarnd-avatar-553201529
yarnd-avatar-1089125452  yarnd-avatar-1606826819  yarnd-avatar-2089122560  yarnd-avatar-2611944556  yarnd-avatar-3310922372  yarnd-avatar-3938996661  yarnd-avatar-556240195
yarnd-avatar-1101228867  yarnd-avatar-1618755765  yarnd-avatar-2104107259  yarnd-avatar-2641384948  yarnd-avatar-3326285269  yarnd-avatar-3939402047  yarnd-avatar-559344463
yarnd-avatar-1112165824  yarnd-avatar-1650827505  yarnd-avatar-2142824779  yarnd-avatar-2680659340  yarnd-avatar-3340682113  yarnd-avatar-3998621883  yarnd-avatar-570292705
yarnd-avatar-1119886894  yarnd-avatar-1656673647  yarnd-avatar-2160786463  yarnd-avatar-271923479   yarnd-avatar-3374584613  yarnd-avatar-4005102536  yarnd-avatar-595490106
yarnd-avatar-1131417623  yarnd-avatar-1685698239  yarnd-avatar-2165405940  yarnd-avatar-2793562275  yarnd-avatar-3380606954  yarnd-avatar-4016872095  yarnd-avatar-679251850
yarnd-avatar-1160959085  yarnd-avatar-1746759128  yarnd-avatar-2171489899  yarnd-avatar-2842068287  yarnd-avatar-3416352997  yarnd-avatar-4110048378  yarnd-avatar-679950970
yarnd-avatar-1231649265  yarnd-avatar-1752278279  yarnd-avatar-2251317422  yarnd-avatar-2843868670  yarnd-avatar-3468636088  yarnd-avatar-4116552474  yarnd-avatar-737874628

164 files. Some are empty, some are 7 or even 10 Gbyte.

Any idea what would cause that? And why now, after running yarnd for so long with nothing like this happening?

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