In-reply-to » Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect.

In fact I cannot produce eitehr of these hashes:

$ pbpaste | ./yarnc hash -u -t 2024-08-03T19:30:00+02:00 -

What da fuq?!

$ bat | jq -r '.text' | ./yarnc hash -u -t 2024-08-03T19:30:00+02:00 -

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In-reply-to » Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect.

Yeah, this looks like a hash collision to me right? Same twt, same timestamp, same twter, produces two different hashes? I’m not even sure how da fuq this is even possible?

$ diff <(bat | jq '.') <(bat | jq '.')
<   "hash": "7hraijq",
>   "hash": "ta6uu5q",

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In-reply-to » Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect.

What da actual fuq?! They have the same timestamp too!

$ bat | jq '.created'
$ bat | jq '.created'

And the same Twter (URI)

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In-reply-to » Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect.

Hm mm these are identical in content:

$ diff -Ndru <(bat | jq -r '.text') <(bat | jq -r '.text') | wc -l

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In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying.

Nope none that I can think of 🤔

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In-reply-to » Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect. I also see repeated Lyse twtxts, and I can’t even mention him on this twtxt. When I type @Lyse the pop up shows up, but when I tap on it, it just autocompletes as @lyse@, nothing else.

I am on mobile.

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In-reply-to » Hmmm, what is going on here? I noticed this a couple of times in the recent past already. Very old twts appear in my client as unread. The pattern seems to be that there is always repeated text in square brackets and some of them contain equal signs. Is yarnd corrupting feeds somehow? I kind of doubt that people actually typed that themselves. nope. That’s all Yarn’s doing. 😳😬

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In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying.

Definitely something going on here. Cloudflare is my main suspect.

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In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying.

Now, from my original post also works. Yarnd must have parsed it and indexed in the meantime. However, it renders the truncated version of mckinley’s message. Notice that it directly ends at the beginning of the bracketed text.

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In-reply-to » @lyse puxvjcq certainly does not exist in my cache. You’re just incrementally parsing the feed, right? Start off where you ended last time. All (updated) twts from the past are not even looked at, if I remember correctly. So, the missing twt is expected.

Haha, yeah. I also thought a few times that such a utility would be handy. :-)

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In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying. puxvjcq certainly does not exist in my cache.

(I feel the need to implement jenny --debugfeed <url> now which just fetches a URL and prints <hash> <original_line> for the raw feed. Could have used this a couple of times already.)

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In-reply-to » Hmmm, what is going on here? I noticed this a couple of times in the recent past already. Very old twts appear in my client as unread. The pattern seems to be that there is always repeated text in square brackets and some of them contain equal signs. Is yarnd corrupting feeds somehow? I kind of doubt that people actually typed that themselves.

In fact, all (probably, I did not verify) of’s square bracketed text twts are now showing up as new twts.

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In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying.

Hmmm, what is going on here? I noticed this a couple of times in the recent past already. Very old twts appear in my client as unread. The pattern seems to be that there is always repeated text in square brackets and some of them contain equal signs. Is yarnd corrupting feeds somehow? I kind of doubt that people actually typed that themselves.

Last time, it was’s feed that showed me new weird twts in my client. I don’t remember the details, but I’m pretty sure it was this week. Refetching his feed a couple of times (across multiple days) and I got new messages.

And it just happened again, this time with’s feed. This twt from 2023-01-09T22:42:37Z here newly popped up, it contains magic bracketed text:

[…] I’ll bet we could find that information and put “[Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled]” in the title for premieres and remove it when the video is available.

Currently, its hash is puxvjcq. There is no sign of evidence that this twt existed ever before. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. But 404s and the search engine also just gives me “error loading twt from archive” (quite a generic error message):

Just open and search for ][Scheduled or =][ to find even more. This also reveals some “[email protected][email protected]” stuff. Is that maybe coming from Clownflare?

In it felt to me that the bracketed text from 2024-03-28T18:34:36Z always got duplicated each time it changed for whatever reason: “[][]” etc.

mckinley and bender, do you recall actually typing that out or somehow updating your feeds on yarnd? Or am I just doing something wrong here? But the fact, that my browser shows the same stuff, I’m pretty sure it’s not my client, that’s messing things up here.

Any idea,

⤋ Read More
In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying.

Hmmm, what is going on here? I noticed this a couple of times in the recent past already. Very old twts appear in my client as unread. The pattern seems to be that there is always repeated text in square brackets and some of them contain equal signs. Is yarnd corrupting feeds somehow? I kind of doubt that people actually typed that themselves.

Last time, it was’s feed that showed me new weird twts in my client. I don’t remember the details, but I’m pretty sure it was this week. Refetching his feed a couple of times (across multiple days) and I got new messages.

And it just happened again, this time with’s feed. This twt from 2023-01-09T22:42:37Z here newly popped up, it contains magic bracketed text:

[…] I’ll bet we could find that information and put “[Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled]” in the title for premieres and remove it when the video is available.

Currently, its hash is puxvjcq. There is no sign of evidence that this twt existed ever before. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. But 404s and the search engine also just gives me “error loading twt from archive” (quite a generic error message):

Just open and search for ][Scheduled or =][ to find even more. This also reveals some “[email protected][email protected]” stuff. Is that maybe coming from Clownflare?

In it felt to me that the bracketed text from 2024-03-28T18:34:36Z always got duplicated each time it changed for whatever reason: “[][]” etc.

mckinley and bender, do you recall actually typing that out or somehow updating your feeds on yarnd? Or am I just doing something wrong here? But the fact, that my browser shows the same stuff, I’m pretty sure it’s not my client, that’s messing things up here.

Any idea,

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My wood glue rarely leaves me hanging. But today was that day again. Before lunch, I cut a slat of a slatted frame in half and glued it together. The two banana shapes were facing each other like two parentheses “()”. This made it straight.

After 3-4 hours, I unclamped it and handplaned it to its final shape, so it can become the last rung of my “ladder” for the laundry shelf. Yeah, I’m still on that project over half a year later. You can call me a really lazy ass. ;-)

When I was about to round over the long edges with my handplane, the bananas suddenly came apart. Both ends still held, so I had some kind of an “O”. The glue had not fully set yet. It was still a tiny bit moist in the inside. I scraped off the leftovers with a chisel. To increase my odds the second time, I roughed up the surfaces with 40 grit sandpaper and a rasp, so that the glue has something to bite into. Didn’t do that the first time. I reckon that majorly contributed to the fail, because the boards were fairly smooth, maybe even coated with something, who knows. Any kind of finish is bad for glueing.

Now, I’m also using a few more clamps and let it sit over night. Well, two days in fact, since I cannot bang around tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can’t finish this frame/ladder today. But maybe on Monday.

Usually, I let wood glue set at least over night, even though a couple of hours should™ suffice I’m told. I will definitely go back to that regular setting period. Especially when mechanical forces are working against me and there is stress in the wood. Never can go wrong with a longer waiting time. I have always had good experience with this in the past. In fact, whenver the wood glue failed on me, it was either removing the clamps too early or a sloppy glueing surface preparation. Or both. ;-)

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In-reply-to » I finally gave in and tried out Caddy. It's about as great as everyone says it is. I thought you were one of the people telling me how great it was. It is a Go project, after all. What do you usually use? I always find myself spending a lot of time making Nginx do what I want and I don’t think I’ve ever had automatic certificate renewal work the first time.

Caddy just works. I have some self-hosted Web services with easy-to-remember subdomains that only exist on my Wireguard network with a valid Let’s Encrypt (wildcard) certificate so browsers don’t complain. It should be automatically renewed without my input but we’ll see what happens. It took shockingly little effort, even considering I need to customize the Docker image and create API keys so it can solve a DNS challenge using my provider.

I’m still not thrilled about using software that does magic for you (like Docker and Caddy) but it sure makes things easy.

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In-reply-to » Today I'm looking into flutter again, I've been wanting to test that out for a while. I started adding functionality from the 'yarn desktop client' ( ) I've been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter. Currently I'm able to log in and fetch the logged in user's username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it's a good start. That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next. will be fixed, thanks!

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Wow, time really flies. I just rotated February to May 2024 into archive feeds. So my main twtxt feed now contains only the last three full months and a little bit again.

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In-reply-to » Paid the forest recreation week a quick visit and checked out their huts they built this week. My camera sucked hard, most photos turned out really crappy. Oh well. Yeah, what a silly driver.

Dragonflies do really look great! This one was really huge, its body length was at least 10-12 cm I’d say. It was trapped at the kitchen tent addition. They always try to leave by going up, but almost never down (this usually works out in nature without manmade structures). After 5-10 min of struggle I carefully helped it escape using a cooking spoon from the dishwashing pile.

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else.

I’ve been tricked! 🤣

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In-reply-to » Big day, hell big weekend! Got Table Tennis 🏓 tournament 🏟️ where I'm the team captain of a team of two young players aged 9 and 10 called Spin Kings 🤣 The competition looks really tough, I'm not really sure how we'll go to be honest, but we'll try out best 😅 I heard in football they like to fire the trainer in these sitations. :-D Worry not, it’s the taking part that counts. :-)

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else. I think you’re mistaking expectations for quality software 🤣 When have you ever seen quality software out of an enterprise? 😅

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else. Yeah, call me naive. If they offer a web client, I’d expect it to be at least usable? Why does this even exist?

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else. And you thought it would be what exactly? 🤔 This is Meta we’re talking about 🤣

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else.

I’m experimenting with WhatsApp at the moment and it’s worse than I expected. 😳 There is which you can use on a normal PC without constantly having the app running/installed on your phone. That was tempting. But … you can’t really do anything here. You can’t even initiate new chats to another phone number. It looks like this only works if you give the app on your phone access to your contact list – a total asshole move.

Fuck this. ☹️

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In-reply-to » Paid the forest recreation week a quick visit and checked out their huts they built this week. My camera sucked hard, most photos turned out really crappy. Oh well. lol, the parking cars. 😂

Dragonflys are pretty awesome. Huge but chill guys. 🏖️

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In-reply-to » Big day, hell big weekend! Got Table Tennis 🏓 tournament 🏟️ where I'm the team captain of a team of two young players aged 9 and 10 called Spin Kings 🤣 The competition looks really tough, I'm not really sure how we'll go to be honest, but we'll try out best 😅 Well we lost all three rounds 🤣 6-1 6-1 7-0 😱

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